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2 answers

Exactly what does it mean that CAD file is georeferenced?

According to a post like this, a DWG/DXF can be "georeferenced", but not all are. I guess the same is true for other CAD formats too. But exactly what does that mean that a CAD file is ...
Mads Skjern's user avatar
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Checking DWG/DXF file is georeferenced

I'm working on importing a DWG into QGIS, possibly by first converting the DWG to DXF, but am not having luck with it. According to a post like this, a DWG/DXF can be "georeferenced", but ...
Mads Skjern's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Importing georeferenced DWG/ DXF into QGIS

I work in an ecological consultancy and we would save money on mapping tiles if we could import DWG files into QGIS, they must be georeferenced however as we need to draw on various habitats ...
Dominic Sheldon's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Import georeferenced dwg-files to SketchUP

I have a georeferenced DWG-file in a national projection and want to import it into SketchUp pro 2015 without loosing the georeference. My workflow so far was to import it into QGIS, check it's ...
Julian's user avatar
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