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Georeferencing a CAD file and converting to SHP in ArcGIS without distance distortion

i have a land parcels dwg file in an unknown co-ordinate system and i want to georeference the file in ArcMAp and convert it to shapefile but the problem is that whenever i georef the cad drawings ...
Rehan's user avatar
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Georeferencing CAD Files and Creating Geodatabase

I'm hoping this is an easy question to answer. I have georefrenced a CAD data set to an orthophoto that was projected in NAD 83, and turned it into a GDB. Even though the GDB is not projected, is ...
user26133's user avatar
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Align and georeference GIS layers exported from CAD

I have two separate CAD files of the same locale. The first one has surface data like street curbs, building footprints, etc. It is not georeferenced, but when I add it to other items in a projected (...
SpiffyFuture's user avatar