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Georeferencing Mosaic in ArcGIS Desktop?

I have a problem in my thesis, i georeference a lot of photos and after that i create a mosaic. But now, i know the ortho is shifting 5 meters. Is possible to shift the mosaic without creating ...
Gustavo Vieira's user avatar
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Shapefile georeferencing

I have digitized the internal of a building's floors using ArcMap 10.2.2 and need to georeference the shapefiles now. The only raster file I have, is a google image file which isn't accurate at all. ...
Alexandros Dourtmes's user avatar
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Perform Spatial Adjustment or Georefenced using two ArcMaps?

I have DWG files that need to be georeferenced to a known coordinate system because they were from AutoCAD that doesn't have projected coordinate system. I have an JPEG file that I extracted from a ...
PROBERT's user avatar
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