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What is happening different to my TIFF between export data and arcpy

I am working in FME with TIFFs downloaded from sentinel-1 (SAR). These TIFFs display correctly in ArcMap but in FME is loses its spatial reference and a bound box calculation gives the number of ...
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Importing CSV matrix of z values to raster with no x y coordinates using ArcGIS Desktop?

I have a CSV file of depth values that have no spatial information. I know the "cell size" of the data but not where it should be put in space. How do I convert this into a data format, such as tif, ...
pythonNovice's user avatar
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Script for auto registration

I have a large list of raster images (>600) I would like to automatically georeference to a source image. I can do this in ArcGIS 10.2 using the Auto Registration tool for each image but looking for ...
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