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Different origin between GDAL/Python and ArcMap of a Modis image

I have a Modis image and i load this image in Python using gdal library from osgeo import gdal, ogr INPUT_raster_1 = "C:\\myimage_1km.tif" ds_1 = gdal.Open(INPUT_raster_1, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) ...
Gianni's user avatar
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Georeferencing an image to a Progressive JPEG

I am using the Georeferencing tool in ArcGIS 10.2 to georeference a normal JPEG image. I want to produce a georeferenced Progressive JPEG image from that image, but there is no JPEG Progressive ...
multigoodverse's user avatar
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Georeference images together

I have taken a number of images from a very large rock overhang that contains ancient paintings. I want to piece the images together to create a single image of the entire rockshelter. Through ARCGIS ...
Tim Forssman's user avatar
3 votes
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Georeferencing Image using saved Link Table from another Image?

I had a scanned map that I did did a georeferenced a few weeks ago and saved the link table. Now I have two more scanned map that need to do the same thing. It is the same area and one of them I did ...
PROBERT's user avatar
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Georeferencing Photos With No Spatial Reference?

I have about 100-200 field ground shot photos I would like to overlay in ArcGIS 10 that have no spatial information which I need to somehow develop using a photogrammetric formula. The camera was ...
USER8267BEL's user avatar
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Creating georeferenced and projected data from hand-drawn map using ArcGIS Desktop?

I am preparing datasets for students in a spatial statistics course for a module on spatial autoregressive models. We will use ArcGIS 10.1. The first dataset will correspond to a mythical pre-...
rabidotter's user avatar