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Questions tagged [image]

A representation or description of a scene, typically produced by an optical or electronic device, such as a camera or a scanning radiometer.

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Overlay GPS fix data over JPEG Image

I want overlay GPS Fix data in the form of NMEA data on an image I have. I could use Google Earth but the GPS Fix data are close, therefore I want a zoomed in image showing the fixes. Going an ...
George Jose Vince's user avatar
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Converting Image to Gridded Feature Collection in Google Earth Engine

I'm working with Dynamic World data in GEE over a region of Bangladesh. var roi= ee.FeatureCollection("users/salem043/Bangladesh/CB_with_added_upazila"); var lulc = ee.ImageCollection(&...
C. Ashley's user avatar
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Setting extent for screenshot via PyQGIS

I am trying to figure out how I can set the extent of the rendered image because with QgsMapSettings().setExtent it doesn't work for me. How can I set the extent as big as the biggest active vector ...
Ckoe22's user avatar
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Bulk export images of single vector overlaid on series of rasters in QGIS

I am using QGIS 3.34.6. I have 54 clipped raster files (monthly satellite pasture observations) with a vector file (farm outline) overlaid. Raster layers follow yyyymm naming convention. In order to ...
James's user avatar
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Add image layer to ecognition

Why, when I add an image layer to ecognition are the objects missing? I have a ecognition project and I did multiresolution segmentation. Now I want to add another image layer to project and clarify ...
Ali's user avatar
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Google Earth Engine script for cropping land use Image collection to shp and producing csv aggregate output

I'm new to Google Earth Engine. I'm using ee.ImageCollection("GOOGLE/DYNAMICWORLD/V1") to look at land use types (specifically tree cover - band 1) within a specific shp file area. I want to ...
Amber's user avatar
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Cannot display images on QGIS as action [closed]

I've been following through the QGIS training manual, section 5.4. I've created three features on the map, and have associated images with these features as attributes. I have set up an action in the ...
Asriel Wilde's user avatar
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How to create an action to show an image from local files in QGIS 3.36.3 in Windows 11?

I've been trying to follow the tutorial laid out for QGIS 3.34. (, but apparently the ...
Snowfaerie's user avatar
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How to filter out single properties from an Image on GEE?

I'm trying to filter out a single property from this Image on GEE but cannot figure out how to do so. I'm trying to extract "5: Coral/Algae" from "benthic_class_names" to create a ...
Nick Carrick's user avatar
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Saving QgsSymbol as image with specific DPI using PyQGIS [closed]

I want to save QgsMarkerSymbol as a high dpi image (png) invoking the asImage method and then save its result (QImage) in a local directory. I tried using a custom QgsRenderContext object like in the ...
GallPeters's user avatar
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Getting black parts of the exported image using Export.toDrive

I am trying to export images from an image collection, the exported image is black with no values appearing in arcgis pro Here is my code: polygon = ee.Geometry.Polygon([xMin, yMin, xMax, yMin, xMin, ...
Lara's user avatar
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Error in display the image by cartopy

I want to visualize the image using cartopy. The image shows OK in the geemap. The coding as follow: import ee import geemap import as ccrs import the cartoee functionality from geemap ...
Molly cao's user avatar
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Image fails to dispalyed in QGIS Popup window

I can view the image path from attribute table but I can't view the image in popup. I can see the image using the identify feature option in toolbar. But I need to display the image in popup as a user ...
Hamsathvani Selvan's user avatar
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Simple way to put a canvas on a map using Leaflet?

In Mapbox GL JS I might do something like: const canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); canvas.width = WIDTH; canvas.height = HEIGHT; map.addSource('canvas-source', { ...
John's user avatar
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Matching satellite, DEM and OSM images

I have a set of satellite GeoTIFF images (from that I want to pair with DEM images from OpenTopography ( ...
Kalia's user avatar
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Use images as symbology for point features

I have a vector file that contains points having a name attribute that matches the name of traffic sign images I have stored locally. What I'm trying to do is to assign to each point its corresponding ...
aogino's user avatar
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QGIS 3D Map View : how to set image resolution on export

QGIS 3.36.1 on MacOS 13.6.6 From a 3D geopkg layer (LOD2) in a 3D map view I would like to export an image with higher resolution. Actually the exported image seems to have only 72 ppi. Is there a ...
relume's user avatar
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GeoServer, CSS Styling, SVG parameters

I have a working SLD 1.1. on GeoServer 2.24.1 Part of SLD calls a parametric SVG image (green fill (#335b239) and red stroke(#ff0000)): <!--Parametric SVG--> <se:ExternalGraphic> <se:...
JA_LL's user avatar
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Create an array of band names where the pixel value is 1 in Google Earth Engine

I have an image in GEE with 20 bands, each corresponding to one year. Indeed, I have a time series. Each band can have values 1, 0, or -1. Value 1 means a specific event starts, and value -1 means the ...
Isa's user avatar
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Aligning features of two raster images without "skewing" either using QGIS

What is the best way to simply move one raster image, without skewing it, to align with another? Does this require georeferencing? I don't want to "tweak" either image. Just to move / shift ...
Craig's user avatar
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Setting image as font filling in QGIS

Is it possible to use an image as a label font filling to have a result like in the following examples with national flags?
SirB1's user avatar
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Marker icon images not displaying in Leaflet.StyleEditor

While using Leaftlet.StyleEditor plugin, I cannot change the marker icon as the available icon images are not displayed. I tried the Demo( from the ...
user3072602's user avatar
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Sentinel 3 data changes in Google Earth Engine platform since 2021

For calculating Cl-a in lake waters, I'm using three bands of Sentinel-3; one of them is band 10 (Oa10_radiance). Since 2021, the values of this band and band #1 contain nonsense, very low negative ...
Oleksandr's user avatar
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Reprojected image is rotated, can't match it with DEM

Why would reprojected sat image be rotated? I can't match it with source DEM map, if there is rotation. gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:31287 input_satmap.tif output_reprojected.tif I use that line in gdal. ...
Alex J.'s user avatar
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Replacing raster values by list GEE

I have a raster that I have mapped his values. I have made a new list of values that I want to replace them. But I want the replacement to be by pixel to pixel. Example: original raster pixels value = ...
Jony's user avatar
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Improve image quality of "Decoration"

I imported a key using Decorations -> Image in QGIS 3.32 and the quality is poor, especially if the image is made smaller. I do not mean that the actual image file is small, but that displaying the ...
Nadka's user avatar
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Image Resolution degrading when georeferencing

I have a scan of a historical map in pdf. I converted it in to png as well as tif and then georeferenced it. However, as soon as I load the image (both png and tif) in to the georeferencing tool the ...
Lina's user avatar
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Band calculations using satellite images captured on different dates

I want to do some band calculations using bands taken from multi spectral (MS) satellite images and bands from a short-wave infrared (SWIR) image. I have one SWIR image covering the whole area of ...
rsf69's user avatar
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QGIS map composer remove red cross with condition

In the atlas composer, I'd like to be able to assess whether the path to the image is valid. Something like, but I always have the "photo" attribute (an ID) filled in. I will check the path. ...
pasqal's user avatar
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ArcGIS Pro map series exporting to JPEG or PNG using arcpy script tool has same extent for every exported image

I've written an arcpy script tool to automate exporting a map series to a set of image files (one image file for each page of the map series). Each image has the correct features displayed, for those ...
Son of a Beach's user avatar
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In GEE replace NoData value with value Zero in an image with only one band

I have the following code in GEE: I am trying to replace the NoData values with Zeros. var mag_nbr =['MAG_NBR']) var mag_nbrZero = mag_nbr.where({ test: ...
Isa's user avatar
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Does Landsat satellite image should have raster value to -1 and 1?

I am calculating the NDVI for Landsat-8 using the formula as shown below:- But the pixel value rendered is as shown below: - But the NDVI values need to be between -1 and +1 however, the value ...
Pushkar's user avatar
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Displaying image with absolute path written in layer for QGIS Map Tips [duplicate]

I am trying to display the images of a layer with the "map tip" function. The absolute path of each picture (D:\ ... \ ...\...jpg) is written in a field called "path". I tried to ...
AbeteBianco's user avatar
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QGIS: Export ShapeFile-Layer with image coordinates

I am completely new to QGIS and I am trying to solve this issue: I have 3 layers: OpenStreetMap, an image and my shapefile layer with polygons. All polygons are within the image. Is it somehow ...
Life4Gaming's user avatar
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Working with 8-bit image in Earth Engine

I'm working with the MODIS Terra Continuous Fields 250m product. The data include several bands, including a "Quality" band. var geometry = ee.FeatureCollection("FAO/GAUL/2015/level0&...
user157564's user avatar
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How can I use code to get accurate "crs_transform" of ee.Images after the clip() operation?

I use GEE(Google Earth Engine) for my research. I found that the parameters "crs_transform" of the ee.Image did not change before and after the clip() operation. print(ee.Image('LANDSAT/LC08/...
he lirong's user avatar
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QGIS python for generating TIFF images from LAT/LON

I am new to PyQGIS, looking for help with the following. I included some pseudo-code at the bottom. Read a CSV file with records having these fields: Longitude1, Latitude1, Longitude2, Latitude2, ...
gregrae's user avatar
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Round numbers of Image Collection in Google Earth Engine

I have an image collection filtered data How can I compute sum reducer with two decimal places of my total image. var imagess = chirps .filter('2022-02-01', '2022-02-10')); print(...
Adi's user avatar
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Exporting Images using PyQGIS

I am attempting to export an image based on a portion of the map. I have written code that successfully identifies the area of the map I would like to output, but I am having trouble exporting ...
JGiacchi's user avatar
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How to mask bands of an image based on values of one of the bands using numpy and gdal

I have a raster with two bands, and I want to mask both bands to get data where band "yod" has a value of 2011 and export a new tif file with the same two bands masked. The following script ...
Isa's user avatar
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For loop over Feature Collection to return Image Collection in EE python API

I am new to the EE python API and am struggling to get a for loop (could eventually also use a map function) over a feature collection. My idea is to have one image and a FeatureCollection as input, ...
Felipe Coelho's user avatar
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Image Composition using average values and if-else

I am new to Google Earth Engine and have been using it for just over two weeks now. I have a question about image composition. I have got three images with me that cover the same area over three ...
Raj Bajaj's user avatar
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Distorted image overlay in Leafet and Mapbox

I have created some png images from a tiff using gdal_translate It fits well in QGIS Info from QGIS about the layer Extent -63.0499992370605469,-11.0499992370605469 : 101.9500007629394531,71....
user1249791's user avatar
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Save Google image as map with a point location dropped on it using a coordinate

I have saved a Google map image (PNG) using coordinates in Python. Now, I want to mark a location(as a coloured dot) of that coordinate on the map and save the same image. Are there any options ...
qeg's user avatar
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QGIS Interactive PDF Map - Pop Up Images

I am a new user and still learning. I created a map that when the user selects specific points on it, a pop-up image displays. Is it possible to export this map as an interactive pdf and keep the pop-...
Lincoln's user avatar
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Using Python (in Colab), how to convert a multiband ee.Image into an ee.ImageCollection?

I ultimately want to convert an ee.Image to an xarray object so I can further process the data. I know the library wxee can do that with ee.ImageCollection.wx.to_xarray(). However, it requires an ee....
Camila's user avatar
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How to getValue (string) from an ui.Checkbox in GEE

I am developing an GEE-app where I initially want to concatenate a birdSelector string for user-defined filtering of an image collection containing monthly bird distribution maps from different ...
Frank Hanssen's user avatar
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Shapefile to img conversion tool

I've been looking for a tool to convert shapefiles to img files (for eventual use in a Garmin GPS device). Any idea of how to perform such conversion or of any tools that can do that? I'm using QGIS.
Benoit's user avatar
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GEE error: Image (Error) Image.reduceRegion: Provide 'geometry' parameter when aggregating over an unbounded image

I want to perform PCA on GEE using Sentinel 2 images of two different time period. Everything runs fine but i keep getting error Image (Error) Image.reduceRegion: Provide 'geometry' parameter when ...
qeg's user avatar
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How do I export an image collection in GEE?

I am a new student and have been trying to export images from GEE. The following code generates Mean Surface Soil Moisture for each month in Afghanistan over the course of 6 years. I export the data ...
Mas's user avatar
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