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Georeference raster in WGS84 and project in North azimuthal in QGIS

I have a raster (JEPG) image from a full planet surface (in this case Jupiter). I use QGIS and its plugin Georeferencer to add control points on the image. I use the four corners. Then I use Gdal to ...
Elendil's user avatar
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Why doesn't QGIS georeferencer support gdal scripting for projective transformation?

I am georeferencing drone images with QGIS, and the transformation method that gives the best results is the projective one. As I have many images, I would like to write a gdal script to automate the ...
sigeal's user avatar
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GDAL-Georefrencing already Georefrenced single band Raster

I am trying to georeference already georeferenced single band raster data using GDAL with four GCP's. Input image is having Coordinate system GCS- WGS1984 (EPSG:4326). Following Command is run on ...
Sawan Nikam's user avatar
7 votes
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Generating a GDAL script through the QGIS Georeferencer

For several months, I have been georeferencing files manually using the Georeferencer plugin within QGIS. I am now attempting to automate this process using GDAL. The Georeferencer provides a "...
Chris S.'s user avatar
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Problem with reprojecting raster from MGI 6 to WGS

When I reproject a raster from Mgi 6 to WGS 84 using Warp in Quantum gis it makes mistake ( about 380m). Is there any way to avoid this?
Dejan Jungić's user avatar