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Questions tagged [georeferencing]

Aligning geographic data to a known coordinate system so it can be viewed, queried, and analyzed with other geographic data.

2 questions from the last 7 days
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Getting Georeferencer target CRS with PyQGIS [closed]

According to the C++ code in qgsgeorefmainwindow.cpp I tried to retrieve the Georeferencer target CRS with PyQGIS using QgsSettings().value("/Plugin-GeoReferencer/targetsrs") but ...
christoph's user avatar
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Answering the question: if a point appears in this position in photo A, in what position does it appear in photo B? [closed]

I've been trying to find an algorithmic way of answering the following question: Given the coordinates of a point p (e.g. a ground control point, or GCP), and two pictures IMG1 and IMG2 taken by a ...
Samuele B.'s user avatar