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Questions tagged [georeferencing]

Aligning geographic data to a known coordinate system so it can be viewed, queried, and analyzed with other geographic data.

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Getting Georeferencer target CRS with PyQGIS [closed]

According to the C++ code in qgsgeorefmainwindow.cpp I tried to retrieve the Georeferencer target CRS with PyQGIS using QgsSettings().value("/Plugin-GeoReferencer/targetsrs") but ...
christoph's user avatar
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Is stitching and aligning two layers a proper use of QGIS?

I'm a beginner who hasn't used QGIS before but am excited at the possibilities. I have an Esri World Topo and a tiff of an 18th century map. I would like to have the older map align with the topo. ...
Derek's user avatar
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Exporting georeferenced image from WMS in QGIS

I was asked to provide a georeferenced cutout of an orthophoto from a WMS and I am using QGIS to do it. I am exporting the image with the option "Append georeference information (embedded or via ...
MLD's user avatar
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Figuring out coordinates written as long numbers, no decimals

The label of these specimen tags says "NAD27 ConUS" which I know is the coordinate system, but this doesn't explain the coordinates which are written as "716935, 3474948". The site ...
Emily's user avatar
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Georeference the second and the following pages of PDF in QGIS

I have a PDF with 7 pages. The first is a table of contents and the 6 following pages are 6 maps with the same map excerpt. The PDF does not contain geolocation. I want to georeference page 2-6 but I ...
KJ2024's user avatar
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Coordinate system of a screenshot from Google Earth

I have received a transport assessment for an intersection (swept paths created in CAD) and learnt the way it was created was by drawing an line in Google Earth - a known measurement (for example 20m) ...
Astrid V's user avatar
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Enter coordinates in georeferencer QGIS 3.34 by copying - pasting coordinates from Google Earth

i want to copy the coordinates taken from Google Earth App and paste them in the window "Enter Map Coordinates" in QGIS when i add a point (while georeferencing an image extracted from ...
marionette's user avatar
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Georeferencer GDAL not in my QGIS version 3.38.2 - Grenoble, any other tips? [duplicate]

I'm using QGIS in version 3.38.2 - Grenoble. I'm trying to georeference a tiff image, however there is no plugin in this version. I've done some searches on add-ons and I can't find it, is there a ...
Gabriel Almeida's user avatar
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QGIS Georeferencer putting red residual lines in output pdf

Is there no way to erase/suppress or turn off the red adjustment residual error lines when you use georeferencing in QGIS? I have tried every combination of settings and adjustment algorithms and ...
Mikeoramma's user avatar
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Automatic georeferencing and recording color in Python

I am trying to stitch together FCDO country maps (JPEG) into a single world map while retaining the exact coloring of the zones. The maps are always tricolor (red, yellow, green) such as this map of ...
Heiko's user avatar
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Batch georeferencing of aerial imagery above the ocean using R

I am working with aerial imagery collected above open water. The raw images are not georeferenced. I am using the closest position recorded by the aircraft (based on timestamps) as the coordinate for ...
Timelate's user avatar
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How to use laspy to shift a las file that's been wrongly georeferenced?

I found an answer that uses lastools, but unfortunately, I use a MacOS laptop, so using lastools which has its binaries in .exe format cannot be executed without some other extensions. I'd like to ...
Yap Shen Hwei's user avatar
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QGIS raster georeferencing. Is it possible to get a table with a coordinate and a pixel corresponding to it on the ORIGINAL raster?

I have an image of some area (raster) and I need to, knowing coordinate, get pixel on that raster. But if I will use raster georeferencig, I'll get a distorted GeoTIFF. Can I get this data from ...
Ivan Beskorovayniy's user avatar
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GDAL - From jp2 image with rpc file to Orthophoto geotiff and keep the image rotation

We are trying to convert a jp2 image with rpc to orthoPhoto geo tiff. We do the following process. The problem is that in the ortho.tiff file the image don't preserve it's rotation angle from the jp2 ...
Zlex's user avatar
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Georeferencing a historical map -

I am georeferencing a historical map and then trying to harmonise it with polygons from another file. I am trying to think about the best way to do this with respect to setting control points. To give ...
Cola's user avatar
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Can't create GeoPDF in QGIS (MacOS)

I am trying to create a GeoPDF in QGIS (Project > Import/Export > Export map to PDF). I'd like to tick the box "Create geospatial pdf" but it is greyed out. Please assist, an ...
Ronja's user avatar
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Adjust GeoTIFF in QGIS Georeferencer

I have 600 GeoTIFFs, old maps, that are roughly rectified by the map corners. I want to improve them with more GCPs so that the internal scale that differs a bit gets more correct. Is there a way to ...
Mårten Swärd's user avatar
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QGIS georeferencer vector snapping

In QGIS, when georeferencing vector files, is it possible to enable snapping that works within the georeferencer window ? Snapping works when choosing coordinates from the map canvas, but doesn't ...
forestcomber's user avatar
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Source for satellite images without geometric correction

I need satellite images for a university project and they must not have passed through geometric correction. So far the images I have found are already geometrically corrected in some form. Is there a ...
k355l3r5yndr0m3's user avatar
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Generate TFW files without rewriting the GeoTIFF [duplicate]

I have about 20000 GeoTIFFs that I need to create tfw files for. Is there an easy way to extract the georeferencing information from the GeoTIFFs and write the tfw file, without having to rewrite the ...
JDH's user avatar
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Shifting / moving entire layer in QGIS

I'm trying to work on two sets of data : Public roads (official source, purple on the image) Network data (private source, brown on the image) Both layers should overlap (at least, the network data ...
Vincent Monteil's user avatar
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Trying to find projection of PNG image of Central Asia

I have the following map: I am trying to figure out what projection this is in. I tried many but nothing lines up... I also tried the georeferencer in QGIS but the results are very lacking. How could ...
Skerre's user avatar
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How to reduce file size of B&W GeoTIFFs

I am working with a lot of old black and white maps extracted from scanned PDFs. When I use the QGIS georeference the resulting files are much larger than the original 10x to 100x. Is there a way to ...
bpatey's user avatar
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Reprojecting image with ground control points in geodetic CRS to equidistant cylindrical CRS on sphere

I'm working with some satellite data from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter context camera (CTX). As a sanity check for some later processing that I would like to do, I'm trying to take the raster data ...
reivax's user avatar
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What's the best georeferencing setting to select to georeference an irregular projection? [closed]

So, I am essentially planning to use georeferencing to shift a neogene North America map to the rough shape of modern North America. Now, I generally use Polynomial 3 when georeferencing because it ...
The Great One's user avatar
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Georeference one vector layer using another vector layer in ArcGIS Pro?

I'm unsure if this what I'm looking to do is possible... I have two polygon layers - the orange layer is georeferenced and blue is not. The pink is just a boundary layer (can be ignored). The orange ...
Alex's user avatar
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Georeferencing drone image different pitch-values

I am trying to georeference objects on an image. The image has been taking by a drone and I know the drones parameters. Here is my script: from math import radians, cos, sin, asin, atan2, degrees from ...
simonericmoon's user avatar
3 votes
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QGIS 3.34: Permanently saving file name and location for georeferencer's output file

Is it at possible to permanently change the file name template for the georeferencer's output raster file? I would like to save my files as source-directory\georef\original-filename georef.tif ...
march17's user avatar
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Transformation of a point with GDAL

I know the place where the image was captured and I've made pixel to lat-lon correspondences (GCPs). After running the following GDAL commands a .tif file is created. gdal_translate -of GTiff -gcp {...
user8083314's user avatar
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Error in georeferencing using QGIS

I was georeferencing a tiff image. But the Georeferenced output is showing GCPs only. The image is not being georeferenced.
Swathy's user avatar
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Is there a way to change the color of the black pixels generated by georeferencing? [duplicate]

When I georeference, QGIS creates black pixels to fill the empty space caused by rotation. As a background, so to speak. How can I set it to be white pixels instead of black? This is the *.tif i get ...
user240107's user avatar
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Converting PDF Map Coordinates to Projected Coordinate

I am trying to georeference a number of PDF documents automatically. I am able to extract the vector data from the PDF - the data is a series of lines representing cadastral boundaries. I can load ...
Keagan Allan's user avatar
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QGIS georeferenced layers slightly out

I am georeferencing three different maps that include collected data. I take pictures of the maps in order to georeference them (with as near the same set up for all e.g., tripod distance etc). I save ...
PastOceans's user avatar
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Click and drag georeferencing

I am looking for a way to take a group of layers in QGIS and be able to move/geolocate them. I need to offset hundreds of TIFF raster files that are currently in a QGIS group, and I don't have a ...
CaptainFishboy's user avatar
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How to enable automatic georeferencing of hand drawn lines

Our company does a lot of bird surveys, we often need to draw flight patterns on a paper maps and convert these lines into shapefiles to create digital maps (e.g. of migration routes) for our reports. ...
chente's user avatar
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How to break up layers when georeferencing in QGIS when adding to project

I'm trying to take an Illustrator file that has multiple layers, and get it into QGIS to georeference each layer. I've been able to get the entire polygon in as one layer, but I can't figure out how ...
ScottAlanTurner's user avatar
3 votes
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Wrong parameters when georeferencing single drone images

I am using a DJI Mavic 3M drone to capture images from the ground view. DJI provides a guide on how to correct the images for the lens distortion. Each captured image contains XMP metadata about the ...
nmhng's user avatar
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How to create a transformation vector and apply it to a vector layer?

I have 3 layers I'm working with. I'll call them A,B and C. Layer A - Satellite Imagery of location X (2017) (tiff) Laber B - Satellite Imagery of location X (2021) (tiff) Layer C - Vector Polygons of ...
Kevin K's user avatar
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How would I go about efficiently digitizing intersecting polygons from a georeferenced map by snapping vertices in QGIS?

I have a map I've georeferenced in QGIS that has a lot of intersecting and adjacent polygons. I want to efficiently snap the vertices together as I draw the polygons because I don't want overlaps and ...
MapDeath's user avatar
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QGIS - Serious loss of resolution when georeferencing

I have a PDF which I want to georeference. I am using QGIS 3.28 and have gone to Layer > Georeferencer. However, when I load in the PDF that I want to georeference there is SIGNIFICANT resolution ...
guest_231213's user avatar
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Georeferencing rasters using GCPs in R: stars/terra equivalent of gdal_translate / gdalwarp?

With the retirement of rgdal and transition to sf/stars/terra functions in October 2023 now passed, is there a way of georeferencing raster images with GCPs (Ground Control Points) other than using ...
Thomas Moore's user avatar
3 votes
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Cropping georeferenced map JPEG within QGIS

I have a geology map I georeferenced in QGIS, but I want to crop out the edges/margins/legend because I have other geology maps I want to georeference and stitch next to it, but the unused margins of ...
MapDeath's user avatar
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QGIS3 georeferencing an unreferenced PNG and it isn't showing up on my base map

I'm using QGIS3 to try to georeference a screenshot of an old map of a state park (the PNG file) to a shapefile of the park's boundaries by matching points in the park's boundary. When I tell it to ...
help-ref's user avatar
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Overlaying PDF map onto satellite image using Google Maps

I have a PDF map of property limits (black lines on white background). I'd like to overlay it onto a satellite image (google maps is fine, but really any that is precise enough) to show errors in the ...
dargaud's user avatar
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CRS for georeferencing TCP flight maps of Spain

I want to georeference TCP flight map of Spain. It says: Lambert Conformal Conic Projection Standard Parallels 41dg 20' and 46dg 40' Convergence factor 0.69491 QGIS does not offer this CRS and even ...
Vladimir Z.'s user avatar
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How to georeference a radar PNG/GIF in Python [closed]

I have this data (image attached). I need to georeference it using the data available in the image itself. Additionally I have one pair of coordinates for the said image provided. 17.74811366,83....
Ayushi Sharma's user avatar
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Image Resolution degrading when georeferencing

I have a scan of a historical map in pdf. I converted it in to png as well as tif and then georeferenced it. However, as soon as I load the image (both png and tif) in to the georeferencing tool the ...
Lina's user avatar
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Removing Raster from Map View using ArcGIS Pro

I am converting from ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro 3.x. I have a number of rasters that were georeferenced in ArcMap that I have brought over to Pro. I have - I think - worked out a way to place these ...
wacole1213's user avatar
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Assign CRS for drone imagery

I am importing TIFF imagery from the Phantom 4 Multispectral drone which does not have predefined CRS. When I double click the layer and go into the source tab and select a CRS, it displays over the ...
Jas Singh's user avatar
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Georeferencing using QGIS

I georeferenced two maps for project. Points that were referenced are now stuck on my main project and I don't know how to get rid of them.
Cian Cassidy's user avatar

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