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Georeferencing drone image different pitch-values

I am trying to georeference objects on an image. The image has been taking by a drone and I know the drones parameters. Here is my script: from math import radians, cos, sin, asin, atan2, degrees from ...
simonericmoon's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Wrong parameters when georeferencing single drone images

I am using a DJI Mavic 3M drone to capture images from the ground view. DJI provides a guide on how to correct the images for the lens distortion. Each captured image contains XMP metadata about the ...
nmhng's user avatar
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Geolocalizing archive aerial photos

I have ~125 analog aerial photographs from 1937 (examples below) and need to reconstruct their locations where the images were taken for a research project. Unfortunately, little is known about them: ...
pltprx's user avatar
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Georeferencing historic airphotos along constantly-moving section of San Andreas fault?

I'm a geology graduate student working on a master's thesis project in which I'm measuring creep (movement) over time along a section of the San Andreas fault (in California, USA) using SfM derived ...
Nick Roberts's user avatar
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How to calculate the accuracy of georeferenced aerial images in meters if the mean error is in pixels?

I have scanned aerial images taken shortly after WWII and have to georeference them and calculate the mean error. I use the Projective transformation so the error after transformation is shown in ...
Pepe Pesh's user avatar
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Cropping borders from images without invalidating georeferencing using ArcGIS Pro

I am using ArcGIS Pro2.4. I have a large collection of georeferenced historical aerials. They all have borders of varying dimensions and varying shades of grey. These borders have to go somehow. I'...
Alpheus's user avatar
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Georeferencing/orthorectifying oblique aerial imagery over water

Does anyone have any advice on how one might georeference/orthorectify oblique imagery taken over the open ocean from a manned aircraft? The aircraft will have an RTK-enabled GNSS/INS onboard. I was ...
Sarah Kandrot's user avatar
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Red lines appearing in QGIS Georeferencing?

I am georeferencing some old aerial pictures in QGIS. The area encompass mountains, hills and a flat area. For some pictures the error is quite low and I am satisfied with the overlapping (error is ...
Geo_it's user avatar
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Georeferencing screen shot of Bing imagery in ArcMap?

I've been using the world imagery layer in ArcMap for hand-digitizing possible restoration sites. This has generally been adequate except for a few instances in which the imagery is a bit old and ...
Kitty Bolte's user avatar
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Quantifying error on georeferenced aerial imagery

I georeferenced historical aerial imagery of a coastal area to estimate the size of oil sheens on the surface of the ocean. The control points I used were on land (street intersections, buildings, etc....
ploman's user avatar
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Creating world files for a batch of aerial photos

I am looking for a way to geolocate a bunch of aerial photos by creating a world file per photo. The photos are taken in the same orientation and from the same altitude. The work flow would be to ...
sebastian's user avatar
4 votes
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Performing aerial triangulation on scanned aerial photos without having surveyed ground control points (GCPs)?

I have a set of 1200 historical aerial photos covering North Carolina outer banks area from 1974, 1984 and 1992. I need to georeference them and produce seamless color balanced dataset that will be ...
Ann K's user avatar
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Creating a raster mosaic from multiple un-referenced jpegs

I have multiple historical aerial photographs that I would like to use to compare coastal change over time in relation to urban development. The aerials I have obtained come in tiles that are not ...
mvfazio87's user avatar
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Georeferencing batch geotagged photos

I am struggling with georeferencing over 300 aerial photographs. All of those photographs are geotagged and generally are rather easy to georeference but I am wandering if that can be done ...
Dominik_GIS's user avatar
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Options for Aerials QGIS 2.10

I'm looking for options to add aerials to my QGIS Project. The OpenLayers plugin doesn't work (it says it's only available for versions 2.0 - 2.2), so I'm stuck moving from ArcMap to QGIS. Is there ...
Matthew's user avatar
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Managing Many Georeferenced Large Files in ArcMap?

Does anyone have any ideas on how to best handle many large georeferenced files in an ArcMap Document? I have somewhere around 250 individual historic aerials (none being in the same place or from ...
Matthew's user avatar
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Orthorectify large set aerial images [duplicate]

I have a large set of images that I want to stitch the together and orthorectify. They have been taken from a small aircraft. The camera of the aircraft is tilted, thereby, although gps data is ...
John's user avatar
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Aerial photo stitching and georeferencing? [closed]

I need to georeference 53 air photos from 1981 (1:25,000 scale) and was wondering what would be the most efficient, defensible, and accurate option. For context, the air photos are following a highway ...
LaurensP's user avatar
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Georeferencing an aerial image based on satellite imagery

As part of a bigger project I need to georeference an aerial image based on a landsat image downloaded form usgs. I use qgis. can I somehow place the layers on top of each other and mark certain ...
kwai's user avatar
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Batch rectifying 200+ historic aerial images?

I have acquired historic aerial imagery for the surrounding towns, circa 1954, and the images have no georeference. I am looking for software to help me batch-rectify the 200+ images. I have current ...
techrunner's user avatar