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3 votes
1 answer

Image Resolution degrading when georeferencing

I have a scan of a historical map in pdf. I converted it in to png as well as tif and then georeferenced it. However, as soon as I load the image (both png and tif) in to the georeferencing tool the ...
Lina's user avatar
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2 answers

Georeferenced raster image not appearing on map in QGIS

I imported a PNG file into QGIS for georeferencing, and set it to add automatically to map after finishing the process. However, once its job was done and the new layer and joined my list panel on the ...
Anna's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Digitizing historical Brazilian map in QGIS3.4

I am trying to overlay a map of a historical boundary (in .tif format) onto a Brazilian shapefile with subnational administrative boundaries. My general question is: what is the most direct (and ...
Henrique Veras de Paiva Fonsec's user avatar
1 vote
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QGIS georeferencer distorting colours?

I try to use the georeferencer to geofreference certain building plans, but the referencer really distorts colours: As you can see in the picture. it hollows out what used to be solid red, black and ...
user115035's user avatar
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Georeferencing multiple images as GeoTIFF (same size and extents) in QGIS

I have 50 images and I want to georeference them all on to the exactly same place. They have all the exactly same size and extends. I've begun to load the same georeferencing points for every single ...
user122841's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Georeference an image by knowing two Lat/Long coordinates?

How can I georeference an unrotated image by knowing two Lat/Lng coordinates? I tried to transform the coordinates to UTM, but this didn't work (for me), because I also need to rotate it and ...
hideous's user avatar
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How to georeference an image dynamically

I am looking for dynamic approach how to georeference an image of a radar. This is a data that is going to be fetch every hour. Of course I will only need radar data (without base layer and borders) ...
mycupoftea's user avatar
2 votes
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Sentinal-2 Georeferenceing [closed]

Are Sentinel-2 data geometrically corrected or do they need to be georeferenced as an image to image? What is the best software for processing?
SAMY ELMAHDY's user avatar
2 votes
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Loading a shapefile and image using DotSpatial

I am using DotSpatial 1.7 in my win form app. I have an image (original image) downloaded from Universal Map Downloder and then loaded this file with a shapefile in QGIS and then georeferencing the ...
Mohsen's user avatar
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1 answer

Down sample with imagemagick then import worldfile?

I'm trying to get a better understanding of the limitations of world files and how I can use them in a current project. If I produce an ESRI world file (tfw) with listgeo: listgeo -tfw clip.tif ...
Steven Lutz's user avatar
1 vote
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Orthorectify large set aerial images [duplicate]

I have a large set of images that I want to stitch the together and orthorectify. They have been taken from a small aircraft. The camera of the aircraft is tilted, thereby, although gps data is ...
John's user avatar
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1 answer

Openlayers 3 - georeferenced ImageStatic

I am trying to display a georeferenced image (in 4326) over a Bing map in OL3. The ImageStatic is the following. var view = new ol.View({ center: [0, 0], zoom: 15, ...
bluecap's user avatar
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Assigning latitude and longitude to a particular pixel in satellite image

Pixel of a satellite images can be assigned latitude and longitude, but how this is done as each pixel represent certain area depending on the resolution of image that can be too high to assign ...
Shishir's user avatar
5 votes
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Put png map image as a background to draw upon

I have an image of a fiber optics network map: I want to turn this map image (without any actual GIS data) into a vector map where each point is defined by lat, long. To do this, I'm trying to ...
Agostino's user avatar
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Georeference a polyygon within a pdf file [duplicate]

I have this pdf file that contains a specific borough of my city, Montreal, with a polygon inside it. Link to pdf file: PDF FILE The jpeg image once exported from the pdf file is the following I am ...
delmalki's user avatar
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1 answer

Different origin between GDAL/Python and ArcMap of a Modis image

I have a Modis image and i load this image in Python using gdal library from osgeo import gdal, ogr INPUT_raster_1 = "C:\\myimage_1km.tif" ds_1 = gdal.Open(INPUT_raster_1, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) ...
Gianni's user avatar
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1 answer

Georeferencing an image to a Progressive JPEG

I am using the Georeferencing tool in ArcGIS 10.2 to georeference a normal JPEG image. I want to produce a georeferenced Progressive JPEG image from that image, but there is no JPEG Progressive ...
multigoodverse's user avatar
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Georeference images together

I have taken a number of images from a very large rock overhang that contains ancient paintings. I want to piece the images together to create a single image of the entire rockshelter. Through ARCGIS ...
Tim Forssman's user avatar
3 votes
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Georeferencing Image using saved Link Table from another Image?

I had a scanned map that I did did a georeferenced a few weeks ago and saved the link table. Now I have two more scanned map that need to do the same thing. It is the same area and one of them I did ...
PROBERT's user avatar
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Georeferencing image from Google Earth?

What I want to do appears simple. However, there seems to be a bug. I have an image from GE which I want to georeference and set as a background layer. I thus set some placemarks on GE, wrote down ...
Magdi's user avatar
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Removing black box around georeferenced grayscale image in QGIS

I am trying to georeference a grayscale image (*.tif) in QGIS 2.2.0 Valmeria. It is working but QGIS draws a black box around the georeferenced raster image. If i use the option set 0 transparent, not ...
Rob's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to determine if an image file is georeferenced

I have a task to scan a folder for georeferenced images. There might be a lot of images, some quite large, and some not georeferenced. The spatial information can also be either embedded or in a world ...
rick21606's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Georeferencing Photos With No Spatial Reference?

I have about 100-200 field ground shot photos I would like to overlay in ArcGIS 10 that have no spatial information which I need to somehow develop using a photogrammetric formula. The camera was ...
USER8267BEL's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Creating georeferenced and projected data from hand-drawn map using ArcGIS Desktop?

I am preparing datasets for students in a spatial statistics course for a module on spatial autoregressive models. We will use ArcGIS 10.1. The first dataset will correspond to a mythical pre-...
rabidotter's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Determining the transformation between a satellite image and long/lat

I'm trying to overlay some data onto a satellite image of the UK. The image is a hi-resolution version of the image below (originally from dundee university):
Phil's user avatar
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Convert X Y Pixels to Easting Northing

I'm trying to find out what the formula would be to convert the X, Y of an image to the Easting and Northing coordinates. I've downloaded some of the raster maps from OS UK web site and I'm looking ...
Strikeforce's user avatar