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Fetch point data from image WMS

Based on the previous questions I asked, I got a way to fetch the clicked point information, but I want the exact value of gray_index, but as you can see the answer is text or HTML. In the image below,...
amin's user avatar
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Getting attribute list of a particular WMS layer and display it as a popup in OpenLayers3?

I have an OpenLayers3 map with two layers provided from local GeoServer.My requirement is to get the attribute list of one layer and display it as a pop up inside the map window. To achieve this, I ...
user6748530's user avatar
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GetFeatureInfo from Image WMS

I have a problem with GetFeatureInfo (I'm working with openlayers). In my HTML file I have this: <div id="map" class="jumbotron"> <h1>Sieraków <span class="badge badge-...
Emil Majer's user avatar
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Add all features to a popup using in Leaflet using WMS GetFeatureInfo

I'm using the function below to successfully add data to a popup in Leaflet. Unfortunately, only the data from the last feature found is added. Is there any way to add the data from all features ...
Matt T's user avatar
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WMSGetFeatureInfo from two WMS layers with different parameters

I have a map with two layers, which can (and almost always do) overlap. These layers are WMS from GeoServer using SQL views (POSTGIS). They use the same query but with a different parameter. My hover ...
Andy Nichols's user avatar
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What kind of different results or what is the difference between two URL based WMS requests [closed]

I am trying to retrieve some WMS layers from geoserver so that I can display them in leaflet and I need to populate a URL field and I noticed that many of the layers that I opened up in openlayers had ...
Carl Carlson's user avatar
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Format tilelayer.wms URL properties such that I add an overlay iteratively to my base map in Leaflet

My base map was created using hard-coded template variables. I am using the leaflet tilelayer.wms constructor and including the URL like so: url: "http://localhost:8080/geoserver/sf/wmsservice=WMS&...
Carl Carlson's user avatar