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Combining two rasters at different resolutions with MapServer as a single WMS layer

I am trying "Join" two rasters with MapServer 7.6.4 so that they appear as a single layer on a WMS service, I have tried the wms_layer_group and GROUP but without luck. | 2 images one high ...
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1 answer

bgcolor problem on cascaded WMS grouplayer

On GeoServer I have two layers, both cascading a remote WMS. Both layers work fine in the layer preview. Now I am putting both into one group layer and open the preview, which shows an empty response....
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0 answers

Accessing the child of a group with owslib in QGIS

How can I iterate a layer group with owslib in QGIS in a script? If is not possible, are there alternatives? Here is a sample code of what I'm trying to achieve: 2,5,8 has 1 as parent. from owslib.wms ...
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1 answer

Legend of WMS-Group Layer

I have a group layer and I want to show the legend of all layers in this group layer. For one layer in this group I get the Legend with this url: GEOSERVER/KRE_KANAL/ows?service=WMS&request=...
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1 answer

Create a spatially restricted sub layer in GeoServer 2.14.1

I have a vector layer with points across a whole state served by WMS. I would like to limit access to particular areas within the state (e.g. spatially via bounding box). Each bounding box would be ...
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1 answer

GeoServer WMS request performance: Layer Group vs Layer List

Let's say there are few transparent raster layers A, B, C... I would imagine that it is better (performance wise) a) to have these layers marked as non-cacheable then create a layer group from them ...
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How to restrict only a Layer Group instead of giving the whole service when loading a WMS on qgis?

I created a workspace, a store and some layers on GeoServer. Then I created a layer group and added a few layers. When I try to load a specific layer on QGIS I use the following URL: http://localhost:...
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1 answer

Adding WMS group layer (only) to ArcMap?

I am trying to add a WMS group layer to ArcMap, without having the sublayers being listed in the TOC. I will give a little background here: We are sourcing images from, and their WMS data ...