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Remove layers from a group and update LayerSwitcher with OpenLayers?

I have a layer group in OpenLayers that initializes empty. This group is added in a layer switcher var group_search = new ol.layer.Group({ title: 'Search', fold: 'open', layers: [] }); map.addLayer(...
Andreia Gusmao's user avatar
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Show popup on marker click on static image in Openlayers

Im complete newbie in scripting and I have problem which I can't solve (and I searched whole web for days for coming here for answer). Im trying to make very simple completely static image map. I ...
Avokado mali's user avatar
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Layer group with large number of layers vs large vector layer in GeoServer?

In my Geoserver project, I need to put each feature in a separate layer, and combine all these layers in one layer group. The problem is when the number of features increases ( > 1,000 feature) the ...
Faz B's user avatar
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Dynamically add layer(s) to Layer Group

I have an Openlayers 3 app and users can retrieve stored routes from a web service and display them on a map. Currently each route is added to the top of the index but I'd like them to be inserted ...
dvmac01's user avatar
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