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How do I create a Geodataframe which the data is grouped by User ID & the timestamp is sorted from oldest to most recent?

I've been struggling to complete this exercise (Exercise 2 Problem 3) which you guys can refer to this link. A reminder that the kruger_points.shp is obtained from Exercise 2 Problem 2. Here's the ...
5 votes
1 answer

Grouping GeoDataFrame by column while comparing feature area and adding values to new column with GeoPandas

I have these columns: "index", "area_of_poly", "cad_admin" in my GeoDataFrame, the dataset is available here: Now, I ...
1 vote
1 answer

Dissolving polygons based on data values in GeoPandas

I have a long list of polygons in the GeoPandas GeoDataFrame (Sample below) Index zone_name value geometry 0 A 100 POLYGON ((77.47638480859382 13.05584728590942, 77....
0 votes
1 answer

GeoPandas TypeError: geometries are not orderable (numpy: TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'Point' and 'Point')

I'm trying to group rows of a GeoDataFrame based on a common gid value and aggregating two columns for which the values differ but I am facing this error: TypeError ...
1 vote
1 answer

Extract and sort x coordinates in groups from a column to a new one in geopandas?

I am working with geopandas There are these columns:geo,cat and I have to make the new column called rank. rank should contain according to the groups with the similar cat number an increasing ...