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Javascript HTML web maps

I am very new to javascript and html. I am trying to display a web map, which works, but my issue is trying to figure out how to add a local geojson file to my html code. Here is what I have so far: &...
Michael McKeever's user avatar
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How to protect the loaded json file name and location using html5 and javascript?

The data of markers (not the map) is stored in a json/csv/js file. We want to show all data as markers on the map. But how to protect the raw data file from public access? Following the example on ...
Osiris's user avatar
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ArcGIS API for JavaScript - Adding Point(s)

I need to add a single point, I am new to JS and ArcGIS API. I was looking for some code examples on how to create a point and/or a few other points (as needed) I can't use any additional pages/...
Bob C's user avatar
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3 votes
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Building Floor Plan map using OpenLayers and json

How to show map of building floor plan using OpenLayers and json. moreover, i want to know that how to change features dynamically with zoom based from json files. Let's take example, Initial the ...
user876307's user avatar