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Questions tagged [ifc]

Data model used for building and construction data

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Extract Polygon from IFME Face with donut from ifc file

I have a ifc file data source which I read with FME and write it to a PostGIS database. I read the geometry and use a SurfaceFootprintReplacer to get a polygon from the IFME Faces. Among other shapes, ...
Mario's user avatar
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61 views fails when run outside ArcGIS Pro - ERROR 003266: Absolute Z values used

I have an arcpy script that loads a BIM IFC file and then creates a building scene layer package (slpk) with it. It's pretty simple and it works well when running it from the ArcGIS Pro Python console,...
user1226019's user avatar
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Changing Units of a prj file in ArcGIS

I have a multipatch feature class which comes from a conversion of a IFC model. Its coordinate system is very strange ("IFC_COORD_SYS_0") and I'd like to change it to EPSG:32632. I am using ArcGIS ...
umbe1987's user avatar
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Projecting from custom SR to EPSG:32632

I am having hard times trying to figure out how to possibly convert a dataset they gave me in a custom SR into a well known EPSG 32632. The situation is: I received a IFC whose coordinates were ...
umbe1987's user avatar
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Integrating BIM and ArcGIS? [closed]

I have a 3D building done using Revit , i have exported the file using FME extension into IFC file in order to make the integration with ArcGIS ! i didn't find the way to make this happen , the only ...
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