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An importer for OpenStreetMap data

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Extending TileMill map (OSM CartoCSS) with layer and style for man_made=pier (YML/MSS, MML)?

I would like to extend the Stamen Toner map style ( with a layer to render piers (Way:area,man_made=pier). I managed to install tilemill on Ubuntu (https://...
handle's user avatar
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Imposm add new country to existing database

I've imported several countries to PostGIS by use of IMPOSM. The written cache files are not present anymore. Let's say I'm in the need to add/import another country without losing all countries ...
motorama's user avatar
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QGIS 3.x issue with PG hstore colums

I have a PostgreSQL 9.6 database with tables created by imposm that include a hstore column. This hstore column looks fine in pgAdmin4. In QGIS 3.6 or 3.12, it shows up in the attributes ...
Severin's user avatar
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Lossless import of full OpenStreetMap planet dump into PostGIS

I would like to import a full OpenStreetMap planet dump as PBF into a PostGIS tables. With tools like osm2pgsql or imposm3, configuration files are neccessary. Unfortunately, it is not possible to ...
Michael's user avatar
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PostgreSQL - query empty string fields [closed]

I'm loading OpenStreetMap data into a PostGIS database with Imposm3. Regarding the documentation Documentation, fields with NULL are stored as empty field. To query attributes who are not empty I ...
Michael's user avatar
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Slow spatial join on many tables

I try to create a view in an Imposm database for rendering purpose. This view is merely a copy of the osm_resorts table, but with another column members_types that concatenate all the type strings ...
yvecai's user avatar
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How to load OpenStreatMap dump to PostgreSQL?

I found tool named imposm, I want to make local copy of OSM data and load them to PostgreSQL. I can't understand how to do it. I run it with follow command: imposm3 run -config /apps/imposm/config....
Dmitry Bubnenkov's user avatar
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How are OSM road segments (LineStrings) split?

Is there a a protocol followed to break long roads into segments (LineString)? Is it different for different countries. Or is it all random? I couldn't find anything relevant in OSM Wiki. I've ...
Manav Kataria's user avatar
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How to add data from jTable to JSON file

I want to create a tools that add my selected item to the JSON file in java netbeanse; for this I make a ComboBox for selecting my item , and also I have a jTable for display the ArrayList of ...
jack's user avatar
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Does Imposm3 support windows?

I want to make a tool in java that can configure import data from OpenStreetMap to PostGIS using Imposm3. Can I do this in windows?
jack's user avatar
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Building OSMBright for imposm returns python json error

I'm trying to execute "./" as part of the OSMBright.xml generation (following this document: , but for imposm instead ...
K Boeykens's user avatar
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osm2pgsql vs imposm rendering performance

Is there any difference in rendering performance between using a osm2pgsql vs imposm imported PostGIS DB in Mapnik? Or asking it differently, is there any downside of using imposm if I only want to ...
hyperknot's user avatar
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Imposm does not create planet_osm_* tables

I'm trying to follow the Tilemill OSM-Bright tutorial on a fresh install of OSGeoLive 8.0. I followed the instructions in the tutorial, and when I run tilemill, it can't access planet_osm_polygons. ...
Tony Laidig's user avatar
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How to modify imposm data mapping in order to include the user name?

I want to import OSM data into postgresql with imposm. How do I have to modify the import process in order to have the user name as an attribute in my tables? Do I have to change that in the data ...
ustroetz's user avatar
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All map services display pink tiles

I have implemented mapserver in Ubuntu 14.04 with postgresql 9.3, postgis and imposm using GitHub tutorial. After completing the tutorial all map services display pink tiles not map info. i was not ...
smk's user avatar
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2 answers

imposm: Failing to import OSM data to PostgreSQL

Somehow I can't import OSM data to my database. I'm using Debian, PostgreSQL 9.1 and PostGIS 1.5. The user root has been granted all privileges for the database osm. Input: imposm -U root -d osm -m ...
Ivar's user avatar
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Missing multipolygon after ImpOSM import to PostGIS

I've been testing ImpOSM 2.5.0 with an extract of Washington State (in the U.S.) and am very impressed with the overall result. However, I noticed that fairly prominent lake was missing from the ...
lagerratrobe's user avatar
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Imposm full database schema import template

I noticed that the default imposm template for importing OSM data into postgis lacks some types of features (powerlines for example). I was searching the web to find a complete schema import template (...
U2ros's user avatar
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