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How to use ArcMap python to parse int from a (part of a) string?

I'm using the ArcMap Field Calculator to parse the year from a field GLVertra_1 with values like this: 1992/05/13 or more generally YYYY/MM/DD, but also containing empty cells (or cells appearing ...
Honeybear's user avatar
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Only integer part of field values read by pyshp when creating point shapefile from QGIS

While using flopy that bases some of the functions in the export.shapefile_utils module on pyshp (namely shp2recarray), I've come across a behavior I cannot understand. Whenever I read some point data ...
Javgs's user avatar
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Rasterize doesn't preserves the class attributes original values

I'm using this GDAL based rasterize function in python in order to create raster from shapefile based on numerical class values. I am using: function of GDALMy class attributes are very long numbers : ...
ReutKeller's user avatar
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Convert floating point raster array to integer raster using GDAL [duplicate]

I was searching a lot for everything related to this topic. Could someone give me an idea, a suggestion how could I convert the cell values of a float raster to integer in Python environment using ...
DanielKovacs's user avatar
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QGIS Python: sort by attributes <= 0 [closed]

In QGIS 2.18 I'm try to sort features by an integer attribute with a Python script. The problem is, that some of the values of the sorting attribue are <= 0 (for sure they have to be <=0) and ...
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