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6 votes
1 answer

Selecting field values that are integers or decimals with QGIS expression

I am trying to select features using an expression in a single file. The file contains polylines (contours) set at an elevation. I want to select all features that are decimal: 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, etc. ...
cooluser91's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Field calculator won't let me add numbers from an integer field into a text field

I'm trying to field calculate a text field & add digits to it from a 32 bit integer field, by using the expression "ID"+"Fiber Capa" in QGIS 3.28. But the error message An ...
C. Scholze's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Translating raster from floating point to int16 increases size

I know that floating point takes 4 bytes and signed integer 16 takes 2 bytes. I have many DEM .tif rasters, they are all of type floating32. I want to convert them to type integer16 (regardless of ...
Khaled's user avatar
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1 answer

Converting float32 format raster in integer type raster

To load my landscape map on Graphab, my raster needs to be in the format "integer type". However, it is in float32 format and I can't manage to convert it. I am using QGIS. Can someone help ...
Justine J's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Extracting specific features using expression in QGIS [closed]

I have a field holding strings like this - 1,2,3,4,5,11,12,10 (each record contains a combination of figures from 1 to 20 separated by commas). I need to extract only the records containing in this ...
Mircea Angelescu's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

QField auto-numbering

A simple need but no success in default auto-numbering an integer type field in QField. Have tried $id, $row_number, etc., but no default value is entered on point digitization. An expression such as ...
Drew's user avatar
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1 answer

GRASS r.stats.zonal help

I am following this tutorial but redoing it with more current data: I am recieving the error: ERROR: The base map must be an integer (...
megmac's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Update multiple fields from float to integer in QGIS

I want to update more than 100 fields from a shapefile from data type float to integer in QGIS. I know that the tool "Refactor fields" exist, but is there a faster way to do this? It is slow ...
Liane's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Google Earth Engine scaling behavior of discrete vs continuous image data

I have a simple question related to how GEE determines continuous vs discrete data, specifically during scaling operations as described here. I am unable to find a proper description of this, but my ...
Fernando Moyano's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Converting number with leading zeros in integer in QGIS

I used this command to organize my treenumbers: lpad("baumnummer", 6, '0') So tree number 1 will be shown as "00001". I did this because in my layout lists every tree will be put ...
Kyosuke. T's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Integer representation of textual value (as unique ID for query layer)

I have an Oracle 18c non-spatial table that has textual IDs as the unique ID: The table doesn't have a ObjectID or numeric ID. I'm not able to add new columns to the table. The table isn't registered ...
User1974's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Giving a unique integer ID to each value in raster calculator in QGIS

I'm trying to polygonize a raster layer which has decimal values. I have to assume polygonize rounds the decimal values up or down to the nearest integer since it appears to dissolves cells with ...
hmnoidk's user avatar
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1 answer

GeoServer WFS - Casting a property to Integer for sorting

I have a WFS query string that ends with: &SORTBY=am_subtype%20DESC This works but am_subtype is a string, so it does not sort the way I'd like it to. Can I cast am_subtype to an Integer somehow ...
user2065855's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Getting integer based on string value in another field using QGIS

I have a big data set with a column name "CORINE" with strings in it. I want to change these individual strings into integers and put them into a new column so that I can create a raster ...
Mike's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

Converting float raster to integer failing in ArcGIS Pro

I'm trying to convert a 32 bit floating raster into an integer type using the 'int' spatial analyst tool within ArcGIS Pro (2.8.3). I have used the raster calculator to remove the decimals (in my case,...
Laura Caldwell's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Extracting numbers from text attribute in QGIS

Is it possible to make a new column and store only the numbers in the column "GNR" i.e. removing (1: ))?
Nnn's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How to use ArcMap python to parse int from a (part of a) string?

I'm using the ArcMap Field Calculator to parse the year from a field GLVertra_1 with values like this: 1992/05/13 or more generally YYYY/MM/DD, but also containing empty cells (or cells appearing ...
Honeybear's user avatar
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2 answers

Efficiently converting/storing WGS84 Lat/Long as Integers

I'm a GIS newbie and I'm trying to figure out how I might store WGS84 coordinates as an integer efficiently. I could simply multiply it (10e7 for example) but I feel like this must be a problem that's ...
JasonG's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between Integer 16bit, 32bit and 64bit in QGIS?

When creating a new attribute field in QGIS 3.14.15-Pi, these three options are offered for integer numbers but what is the difference between Integer 16bit, 32bit and 64bit in QGIS?
Eliasse's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Changing field type of a shapefile

I have two polygon shapefiles that I need to merge. I applied 'Merge vector layers' tool from Data management in QGIS 3.16, but it took too long to process and I realized a message indicating that one ...
Paris's user avatar
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0 answers

Converting large value float value to integer using ArcGIS Desktop

I have a raster with 32 bit unsigned values that I want to convert to a polygon shapefile. I ran the raster calculator in ArcGIS to remove the decimals by multiplying by a constant and then running ...
user3462098's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Convert float to integer simplifies data ArcMap

My student is having a problem when he tries to convert floating raster data to integer: the data is simplified and produces a considerably different map. Any ideas for setting conditions or re-doing ...
Robin Lovell's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Only integer part of field values read by pyshp when creating point shapefile from QGIS

While using flopy that bases some of the functions in the export.shapefile_utils module on pyshp (namely shp2recarray), I've come across a behavior I cannot understand. Whenever I read some point data ...
Javgs's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Image.glcmTexture: Only 32-bit or smaller integer types are currently supported

I´m using entropy and GLCM function of Google Earth Engine ( I want to use NDVI band, obtained from landsat 8 image band algebra: //...
maxi peña's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Converting raster to integer values and exporting as 16 bit using QGIS

I am trying to export a DEM raster as a 16 bit image using the Raster>Conversion>Translate drop down menus in QGIS. I have seen somewhere I need to save it with a -ot tag to turn it into a 16 ...
Karyn's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Rasterize doesn't preserves the class attributes original values

I'm using this GDAL based rasterize function in python in order to create raster from shapefile based on numerical class values. I am using: function of GDALMy class attributes are very long numbers : ...
ReutKeller's user avatar
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Convert shapefile to integer array file

I have a shapefile similar to the one below. This shapefile shows zones in a specific model. The model cell size is 100 x 100 m. I want to convert it to integer array file with unique integer value ...
shiny's user avatar
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Data type gets converted from "qlonglong" to "int" when creating Virtual Layer

I have a source layer with ID column as qlonglong. When I execute a query in DB Manager the types seems correctly preserved. The problem is that if I "Load as New Layer" the resulting ...
begem0t's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Editing array type attributes in attribute table

I loaded a PostgreSQL layer in QGIS project. The layer has some array type attributes like integer[]. I'd like to edit these attributes in Attribute Table. But it doesn't work, I could not type any ...
Zipei Lu's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Convert floating point raster array to integer raster using GDAL [duplicate]

I was searching a lot for everything related to this topic. Could someone give me an idea, a suggestion how could I convert the cell values of a float raster to integer in Python environment using ...
DanielKovacs's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Rounding decimal places for float data in Google Earth Engine [closed]

I am exporting a large amount of NDVI raster data in Google Earth Engine and was wondering if it was possible to round (my NDVI) float values to 2 decimal places as a way to decrease the size of my ...
rachell's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Vectors layers wont merge - integer instead of integer 64 error. Refactor fails to change

I am merging a few vector files (all polygone) but an error keeps popping up: POP1997 (my attribute data) field in layer area_houston.shp (the layer i made) has different data type then in other ...
Valentijn Struijk's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Return integer and fractional part of a decimal number using QGIS 3.10 expressions

I would like to extract a part of a decimal number. In other words, I would like to use 'substr' for decimal numbers to extract integer and fractional part. I could use substr but it does give a ...
Raj's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Error bands must have compatible data types; found inconsistent types: Float32 and Float64 [duplicate]

I have an image that I have created which is basically paired image with two bands: band 1 is NDVI image from Sentinel 2 band 2 is SAR image from Sentinel 1 I have tried to export this image to my ...
ReutKeller's user avatar
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0 votes
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QGIS: No easy way to change .csv columns to integers?

I am trying to make a heat map of every town in my state. After joining my data (a .csv) to the shapefile, the column I need to map is not visible on the graduated color option under Symbology. I ...
Steve's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

QGIS Python: sort by attributes <= 0 [closed]

In QGIS 2.18 I'm try to sort features by an integer attribute with a Python script. The problem is, that some of the values of the sorting attribue are <= 0 (for sure they have to be <=0) and ...
tomzappa's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Python script parameters for Integer not working

I am using a Python library called arcpy_metadata that uses 2 datatype called max_scale and min_scale that take integers: My code for that is just: import arcpy, arcpy_metadata as md .... min_scale ...
gwydion93's user avatar
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gdal_warp with huge tif: integer overflow

I retrieved the SRTM 1" data and merged it in one huge tif. Now I want to warp it. It's working fine for low resolution (eg 5000, 1000, 500), but it doesn't for 90m resolution. I'm using this command: ...
Tim Autin's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

increment column value with an integer when it is a duplicate

I have a layer with around 1000 lines. Some Name are repeated several times and I wish to have every name unique. Thus I try in the field calculator to add an integer at the end of the name only when ...
Nicolas deville's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Changing string to integer using ArcGIS Field Calculator?

I have a table with two fields. One field (type short) is empty. One field (type string) is full of digits. There are no random characters in that field, just digits. I want to convert the string ...
Bob Dole's user avatar
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Easily convert multiple attribute columns from text to integer?

I uploaded a CSV with WKT polygon coordinates. Each polygon was displayed spatially and I re-saved the file as a shapefile. The problem is most attribute columns are being detected as text, and they ...
csft306's user avatar
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File Geodatabase: storing text in an integer field?

I recently downloaded a FGDB from NOAA at The FGDB contains a point feature class with ship locations. One of its attribute fields, named [Status], is of type Long ...
Stu Smith's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Sum integer values if values in another column are equal in QGIS?

I want a new column called "Summed" containing the summed value per "Populatie" name. How can I accomplish this?
SteKel's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

Rounding pixel values of raster in QGIS

I have a raster with float number values for example: 2.544459104537964 and I want to round these up to integers. I have seen other posts on ArcGIS like this one but when I use Raster Calculator in ...
Stelios M's user avatar
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