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arcpy.Describe and "in_memory": works with small feature (500 polygons) but returns "in_memory\xxx" does not exist" with large (200,000)

I'm attempting to run 'arcpy.Describe()' on an object saved 'in_memory', following 'arcpy.Intersect_analysis'. My script works with small multi-part polygon features (500 polygons) but then returns &...
pienkowski's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why is Python Script (using XYTabletoPoint) Deleting target Feature Class? [closed]

When I run the following script (using Arc 10.2.2): import arcpy if __name__ == "__main__": # Get Parameters Source_CSV = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) Target_FC = arcpy....
Waterman's user avatar
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4 votes
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Converting python script to toolbox?

I am trying to convert my plain python script to script in ArcToolbox to share, where user can set input data (in this case, feature class). Unfortunately, Converting Python (ArcPy) script into tool ...
Dean7's user avatar
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How to arcpy.Describe() a layer when script is run from outside of ArcMap?

The following code will work if I run it from the ArcMap Python dialog, or from a GP tool, but not from PyScripter IDE: import arcpy mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(r"c:\temp\<my_mxd_name>.mxd"...
RyanKDalton's user avatar
  • 23.2k
7 votes
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Why can't I access a table in a personal geodatabase (.mdb) with arcpy after installing 64-bit geoprocessing?

I wrote and ran a simple script last year - it cycled through some line features, buffered them and then intersected with some other lines - it all worked fine. I'm now trying to tweak the file to ...
Flo Harrison's user avatar
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