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Mapbox GL JS Equivalent to Leaflet LayerGroup?

Does anybody know of an equivalent to the Leaflet L.layerGroup in Mapbox GL JS? I can do this in leaflet: var layerGroup = L.layerGroup().addTo(map); And then if I want to add, say, a marker to the ...
SteepAtticStairs's user avatar
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.on("load") event for layer groups in Leaflet

I have used Leaflet's ImageOverlay to load various image layers onto a Leaflet map div ( The size of the layer files can vary greatly. So some layers load very quickly while others can take a ...
kykong's user avatar
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layer group in leaflet! [closed]

How to have different overlay layers in layer groups having different .geojson files? I want to show three different categories such as Toilets, dustbins and hospitals. There will be three different ....
Tejas Rane's user avatar
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Leaflet v1 plugin: layer control for ungrouped, grouped, and nested-grouped layers

I need a Leaflet plugin which extends L.Control.Layers. I have the following requirements: works with Leaflet 1.x handles ungrouped layers alongside grouped ones handles nested layer groups does not ...
Tom Chadwin's user avatar
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