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Is MapGuide still maintained?

I want to use a free or at least a cheap alternative to ArcGIS Server that I can develop for in .NET. MapGuide used to be such. Is it still maintained?
user5495269's user avatar
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How to generate mapguide legend?

I'm trying to generate the legend of my mapguide map from the mapguide API but I've found any samples... Have you an idea of how to use GenerateLegendImage function on a layer and how to convert the ...
VincentDEJ's user avatar
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Dynamically load and display shapefiles from PostGIS 2.0 into Mapguide using .NET

I have a C# mechanism for Loading shapefiles into PostreSQL/PostGIS now I would like to dynamically load it on Mapguide fusion template.In either C# or VB.NET code behind. Use case is: 1.use uploads ...
user15083's user avatar