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Questions tagged [mapguide]

MapGuide Open Source is a web-based platform that enables users to develop and deploy web mapping applications and geospatial web services.

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How to efficiently load multiple tile layers with different XYZ sources in OpenLayers 6?

I need to add 60+ tile layers onto a map at once, each with a different XYZ source using MapGuide server. I'm able to do it, as shown below, but the performance is not ideal, because the way ...
Zheng Fang's user avatar
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Information about Leaflet and MapGuide [closed]

I want to make interactive maps online/on a server but not sure whether leaflet or MapGuide program is better for me to delve into. Which software will allow me to render resource intensive layers ...
Rachel's user avatar
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Configuring mapguide open source?

I installed mapguide opensource and mapguide maestro but I have a problem accessing the remote server Site administrator is not responding to the default password
Willy Vale's user avatar
8 votes
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How to convert curved features into geojson

I'm using a MapGuide system which provides some CURVEPOLYGON(s). Using python shapely's loads() raises a WKTReadingError. Tried to find a tool that can approximate curved shapes into a polygon (as a ...
Ikar Pohorský's user avatar
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Installing double MapGuide in same computer?

Can I install two MapGuide Open Source with different version in the same computer? For example, I have installed MapguideOpenSource 2.6 in my computer, then I want to install another version of ...
megat mustaqim's user avatar
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Reading 3D polygon WKT from MapGuide with Openlayers

In my application some of my layers use fake 3 dimensional polygons (3rd dimension is always 0) is there a way to make Openlayers read these? Example: POLYGON XYZ ((617.81059999999968 2472....
Firenter's user avatar
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Openlayers 3 + JAVA server [closed]

I am new to GIS and I need some help with the architecture of a new system. The UI will be written using javascript with openlayers 3. The server should be written in JAVA and as I understand, it ...
Ido Barash's user avatar
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Creating web map using MapGuide Maestro? [closed]

I have been given a task by my lecturer to create a web map using mapguide maestro or Autodesk Infrastructural Studio. The application that I used to finish my mapping are mapguide maestro, and the ...
megat mustaqim's user avatar
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Is MapGuide still maintained?

I want to use a free or at least a cheap alternative to ArcGIS Server that I can develop for in .NET. MapGuide used to be such. Is it still maintained?
user5495269's user avatar
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How to generate mapguide legend?

I'm trying to generate the legend of my mapguide map from the mapguide API but I've found any samples... Have you an idea of how to use GenerateLegendImage function on a layer and how to convert the ...
VincentDEJ's user avatar
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How can I use shift or ctrl key without openlayers 3?

I want to verify if Shift or Ctrl key is pressed to make my own multiselection. I use a digitizer to draw polygon, rectangle, etc... to make selection from geometry on server-side (with mapguide api)....
VincentDEJ's user avatar
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How can I remove feature selection from my layeroverlay in mapguide API?

I can add feature to my layeroverlay on mapguide API, but I don't know how to remove it. Can you help me find a method to remove a feature from a selection ? This is how i add features to my layer : ...
VincentDEJ's user avatar
-1 votes
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Steps to integrate Cesium.js with Mapguide Opensource [closed]

I render map in php mapviewer with mapguide opensource and postgresql/postgis and edit with mapguide maestro. What would be steps to integrate cesium.js?
swaraj's user avatar
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MapGuide Maestro - Input string was not in a correct format

I facing an issue by using MapGuide Maestro. I installed MapGuideOpenSource x64 and MapGuideMaestro Release 6.0a3. When I started MapGuide Maestro a first windows info appear and say: I ...
Stéphane's user avatar
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Installing of MapGuide?

I installed mapguide open source 2.6 and mapguide maestro 6.3 on windows 7 !! the tutorial that i followed assure that on this version of mapguide you don't need to install any server web. now when i ...
YSN KHL's user avatar
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Option for 360 degree movie embedded in Open Source GIS software?

Is there any Open Source GIS software available to embed 360 degree movies with the map? For a COTS example, there is the Active Link Vision (ALV) extension for ArcGIS from IWANE.
hamizah's user avatar
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Map Refresh in Infrastructure Map Server 2015

I have a MapGuide application build in MapGuide 2011 where I refreshed my map using the following script function MapRefresh() { debugger; ExecuteMapAction(20); parent.parent....
user9961's user avatar
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Polygon feature in PostGIS

I have uploaded a feature to the PostGIS db and visualize it by mapguide. Now I would like to know how can I update (add) features from database directly. Can I add a new row from the web form ...
wing suet cheung's user avatar
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how to create custom widget in mapguide fusion template?

I am using mapguide maestro 5.0.1. I want to add custom fusion widget which have option to search layer in multiple ways. I am not able to find any tutorial to add custom widget useful. can you please ...
user3089887's user avatar
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WFS Mapguide Maestro. Can't query features?

I'm using MapGuide Maestro 5.0 and Geoserver 2.4.0. I have added a new WFS feature source to the viewer, and used the following url: http://localhost:8080/geoserver/scotwat/wfs? In the vector ...
DGraham's user avatar
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Refresh Map after Invoke URL

I am making a map on Auto Desk Infrastructure Map Guide Studio. Now I created a small ASP.NET website and hosted in local machine, Now on click of different buttons in flexible layout toolbar, I ...
Fazi Rana's user avatar
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Connecting PostgreSQL/PostGIS and MapGuide Maestro

This is less a specific question, but hopefully more of an open question. There is little documentation regarding connecting the excellent OS web mapping software MapGuide Maestro (http://trac.osgeo....
DGraham's user avatar
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AutoDesk Infrastructure Studio - How to enable POST for WFS services?

I'm attempting to get feature info with the following url: SERVICE=WFS&REQUEST=DescribeFeatureType&VERSION=1.1.0&TYPENAME=ns75382197:MAPSHEET_GRID With many, many typenames listed after ...
ca0v's user avatar
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How to manipulate SDF data via java/jsp (MapGuide open source Web API)?

I am relatively new to MapGuide open source technology. I would like to parse and modify data that is in SDF format so that my map displays this updated feature data (dynamically). How can i do so? I ...
2147483647's user avatar
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How to visualize pgrouting query results in mapguide open source

I would like to make a spatial query using postgis 2.0 and pgrouting 1.05 then visualize results in Mapguide open source.Any suggestions?
user15083's user avatar
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Dynamically load and display shapefiles from PostGIS 2.0 into Mapguide using .NET

I have a C# mechanism for Loading shapefiles into PostreSQL/PostGIS now I would like to dynamically load it on Mapguide fusion template.In either C# or VB.NET code behind. Use case is: 1.use uploads ...
user15083's user avatar
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Autodesk Infrastructure Map Server - WFS 1.1.0 GetFeature Request error

This is a duplicate request posted on the AutoDesk MapGuide Enterprise Discussion Group. If I take a working request... <wfs:GetFeature service="WFS" version="1.1.0" maxFeatures="10" xmlns:wfs="...
ca0v's user avatar
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What is the relationship between Autodesk and the MapGuide Open Source project?

In the year 2006 Autodesk started MapGuide as an open source project (MGOS). At the same time they began to develop the commercial version of MapGuide (MapGuide Enterprise MGE /Autodesk Infrastructure ...
Jens's user avatar
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Should I start a new project using MapGuide OS? [closed]

I'm wary of starting a debate based on opinion, so I lifted my title from this question which seems to be doing fine. I'm also worried about offending MapGuide enthusiasts so please understand I am ...
tomfumb's user avatar
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Thematic maps on Non Spatial Data in MapGuide

I need to create the thematic map on a polygon layer. But the data is not available in the layer; I am using Postgres database for that. It means I need to create the themes on layer using non spatial ...
Kishor's user avatar
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Adding custom widget into Mapguide Maestro 4.0.1?

I am developing a Web-Mapping application using Mapguide Maestro 4.0.1, in that I need to add a custom widget. I'm looking for any suggestions for how and where to add the custom tools in the ...
Kishor's user avatar
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How can I properly add PostGIS data into MapGuide Maestro?

I am having trouble connecting a PostGIS database to MapGuide Maestro. Actually, I have added the PostGIS data into Maestro, but when I click to validate the layer it shows an error message: ...
Kishor's user avatar
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install mapguide 6.5 on windows 7

How can I install mapguide 6.5 on windows 7 ? i have problem to set a datasource in mapguide outer. do i need another software or application to install this version of mapguide in win 7 64bit? ...
BBG_GIS's user avatar
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Loading Raster and vector data In MapGuide using Maestro

I am new to Mapguide , working on it for my summer Internship.I have Installed it perfectly. Now the task is to load vector data and Raster data in map Guide (mainly have to load *.shp files and *.tif ...
Ajay Yadav's user avatar
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Can I avoid runtime raster interpolation by creating an image pyramid to match the zoom scales?

For image quality and performance reasons, it would be best to perform interpolation of my large TIFF image of the world (10GB) beforehand to all the zoom scales I need to display at so that MapGuide (...
Garrett Hall's user avatar
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Changing prime meridian of map?

I am working with the Natural Earth world map as a SHP file, but when I try to change the prime meridian (PRIMEM) of the coordinate system GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",DATUM["D_WGS_1984",...
Garrett Hall's user avatar
3 votes
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What is the unit of measurement for scale?

Maybe this is standard across mapping engines, but in MapGuide if I set the scale to 7 million I can see about half the world. At about 4 million I can see a continent. What unit of measurement ...
Garrett Hall's user avatar
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How to write to shapefile in MapGuide

Here the code I have written to a shapefile in MapGuide Open Source (in PHP running on IIS 7.5). The code is actually the modified class MarkupEditor (markupeditor.php) from the General Tracks (GT) ...
Kumar Kush's user avatar
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How to read Autodesk Spatial Data File (.SDF) in PHP

I am working on an application using Autodesk MapGuide. The application is being developed on PHP and hosted in IIS 7.5. I had to create point, line and polygon geometries on-the-fly. I found a ...
Kumar Kush's user avatar
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Looking for MapGuide 2.1.0 web extensions / web studio - where am I going wrong?

I am trying to get to grips with MapGuide Open Source 2.1.0, and the first stumbling block is the Windows installer (!). I got the main binary from the MapGuide download page which has the ...
fudgeFingers's user avatar
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How to determine the version of an SDF file?

I'm looking for a tool or a method to reliably determine which SDF version a given file is implementing. So far I've been using Autodesk's SDF Loader with the /info flag, but it only supports SDFv2....
Thomas James's user avatar
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Updating MapGuide Enterprise's Query Tool

I am trying to create a custom theme for my company's website using MapGuide Enterprise 2011, and I am looking for advice on fine-tuning the software's built-in query tool to allow for more advanced ...
Geographic's user avatar
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Create WFS with Mapguide Studio Enterprise 2011

i need create a WFS with MGS 2011, i used the help users mapguide for create the WFS but that didnt work, can anyone help me please? i am new in this tecnology.
Lrodriguez84's user avatar
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How to project a map with mapguide

I am using MapGuide + Fusion for the basic Sheboygan-google example. I need to project the Sheboygan.MapDefinition to SheboyganMercator.MapDefinition so I can correctly display the example over google ...
Nate's user avatar
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Project WGS84 to Google using MapGuide and WKT

I'm having trouble projecting a simple WGS84 formatted layer over google maps. I can't find a good WKT "API" that not only shows parameters, but explains what each parameter is. The coordinate system ...
Nate's user avatar
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MapGuide and Google Maps Coordinate System problems

I'm trying to do a simple MapGuide OS + Fusion overlaying Google Maps and I can't figure out why the coordinate system are off. I downloaded populated places from natural earth. After Googling, it ...
Nate's user avatar
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MapGuide with RDBMS database design guidelines

I'm brand new to GIS programming and I am designing a GIS application and I think I want to use MapGuide because of its user selection features (Digitizing and Redlining - or can I do this easily with ...
Nate's user avatar
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Open MapGuide MrSID rasters with FDO GDAL. invalid extent. Not drawing

When I try and save the resource I get: Spatial context extent appears to be invalid (or Default). The XML: <?xml version="1.0"?> OSGeo.Gdal.3.4 Default This coordinate system ...
Zap Rowsdower's user avatar
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Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise MrSid on Linux

I am running MapGuide Enterprise 2011 on CentOS 5 Linux. Using the Autodesk Raster FDO, I loaded a mrsid file (through the "Load file-based data" method). Whenever i try to view the layer with the ...
janechii's user avatar
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Generating "theme gradient" legend graphics from MapGuide Open Source

In MapGuide Open Source, I've defined 10 layers, along with a theme for each. As I understand it, a theme represents how different data values are represented. For each theme, I picked two colors and ...
Maxim Zaslavsky's user avatar