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Export as DGN with QgsVectorFileWriter.writeAsVectorFormat

This code works in QGIS 2.14 but not in 2.18. What do I have to change to be able to export properly to DGN. From what I understand, now it tries to save in microstation V8 format instead of v7. I ...
Starter2's user avatar
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XML schema for QGIS symbology

I've been trying to import .cel files as symbology in QGIS. I was recommended to change those .cel files into .dxf, which I did. However, in order for the conversion from dxf to xml to work, I need ...
Minka's user avatar
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How do I import a Microstation cell library as symbology in QGIS?

I have a .cel file with (point) symbols. I want to import that as symbology in QGIS. QGIS accepts xml files for that. How do I either change the .cel file to xml? Or is there another way to import the ...
Minka's user avatar
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DGN Version 8 Format Specification

I tried to open a Microstation DGN version 8 file with QGIS/ogrinfo, but GDAL/OGR supports Version 7 only. So I want to write my own parser by looking at the format of DGN. Is the Microstation DGN ...
user89728's user avatar
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Convert SHP to DGN with ogr2ogr

I want to convert my shp layers into one DGN file using ogr2ogr (QGIS). When I use this tool, I can only select one layer to convert. My problem is I don't know how to select all three layers at the ...
K.mouna's user avatar
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export to microstation with qgis error

I want to export my SHPFile into microstation dgn using qgis. But when, I do click right on layer and save as... This message error shows "L'export du fichier vectoriel a échoué. Erreur : La création ...
K.mouna's user avatar
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Open version 8 DGN file in QGIS

I want to open my version 8 Microstation DGN file with QGIS without any loss of information. Please, do you know an extension supported by QGIS to do this job?
K.mouna's user avatar
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Using WFS to serve arcs / curves from ArcGIS Server to QGIS?

I loaded a wfs served by ArcGIS 10.0sp3 into QGIS. I got complaints that the arc were served as stroked arcs. Question: is WFS able to serve real arcs instead of stroked ones, or is the client (in ...
GeoDude's user avatar
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Microstation Elements created in QGIS

In my workflow I typically, in Microstation V8 2004 Edition, manually place a shape element around a series of imported coordinates to use as a fence for loading point cloud data in TerraScan. I am ...
Kayakate's user avatar
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Exporting Symbology from ArcGIS for Desktop to Microstation or QGIS?

I am using ArcGIS 10.1 for Desktop and trying to figure out how to export my symbols of elements in ArcGIS to CAD or QGIS readable format. The problem is, that I can export symbology to a Style, or ...
VilemRousi's user avatar