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Questions tagged [ogcserver]

ogcserver is a Python WMS implementation for Mapnik

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Generate or create OGC WMS using Python mapnik

I want to create an OGC WMS server from mapnik PostGIS using Python. I have successfully post table on PostGIS using: shp2pgsql -s 4326 /Users/apple/Downloads/111SHAPEFILE/Point.shp points | psql -d ...
Ayush's user avatar
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OpenLayers or OGCServer request optimization

I have an OpenLayers-OGCServer-Mapnik setup through a WMS layer. I noticed when i use the openlayers UI in a quick manner (fast zoom with mouse scroll, a couple of consecutive pans with mouse) the ...
U2ros's user avatar
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OGC webservice engine like geoserver in .NET

In java there are a lots of third part libraries which can used to create OGC webserivce like wcs/wfs/wms etc. However I have not found anything similar in .NET. We are currently using ArcGIS Engine,...
giser's user avatar
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Mapnik OGCServer doesn't work if theres no active internet connection

Didn't find anything similar so: I have a mapnik OGCServer on an ubuntu 12.04 virtual machine (vmware player) which works fine. The problem occurs when i disconnect all network connections, when ogc ...
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