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Updating existing PostgreSQL database with OSM data

I currently work on the project which is directly working with the geo data of the country where I live. The database we have is quite huge, containing not only the geo data but also some other stuff. ...
1 vote
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Extending OSM database with new data

I want to add a new table inside my OSM database with extra data for every restaurant, and then when retrieving the places join the table by the "osm_id", is this possible and if yes, any ...
0 votes
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osm2pgsql: does table planet_osm_roads contain any non-duplicate data?

Although there is a osm wiki page that attempts to shed light on the different tables which are created within a postgres/postgis database there is something that is not quite made clear: Is the data ...
4 votes
1 answer

Osm2pgsql failed due to error when I try to import data into PostgreSQL

I am using the following link to install openstreetmap server on my ubuntu 14.04 server. I have followed their tutorial line by line and installed most of the dependencies and everything. When I try ...
2 votes
1 answer

Tag for calculating way length in osm2pgsql?

There is a special tag 'way_area' in osm2pgsql creating a database column that stores the area of polygon features. So is there something like this for calculation of length of line objects?