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QGIS small text with OSMon on a 4K laptop screen

With a 4K laptop display (Dell 9710) when bringing in OSM maps with OSM Standard, OpenStreet Map, with EPSG:3857, the text labels at any level of scale are tiny, almost impossible to read. The project ...
SocialEyes's user avatar
6 votes
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Disable labeling of OSM in QGIS

Is there a way to disable the labeling of OSM in QGIS ? If I try to create a map the labels interfere sometimes with my lines I like to depict.
BAE_23's user avatar
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Adding OpenStreetMap copyright label

I have looked up Crediting OpenStreetMap maps in QGIS. For QGIS 3.22 LTR this seems to be missing or moved somewhere else. How do I add the copyight label for OSM data ? I know View -> Decorations -...
BAE_23's user avatar
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Is there an OpenStreetMap label layer?

Is there an OSM label layer available? This same question was asked 7 years ago. I neither see such a layer in the OpenLayers plugin nor QuickMapServices. I'm working on a project with a 50% ...
Pfalbaum's user avatar
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How to maintain OpenStreetMap labels/details (from QuickMapServices) when exporting from QGIS? [duplicate]

My question is about OpenStreetMap place labels in QGIS, and how to keep them at a similar size when exported to as they appear in the software. I realise variations of this question have been asked ...
fraser's user avatar
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Regular expression to extract road labels from OSM other_tags ref

Extended question to the issue: Regular expression substring for labelling The answers I've found on the link above were fine for "simple" road labels. Unfortunately, I don't have a big SQL-...
Filipe Taborda's user avatar
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Label OSM polygons above a certain size?

I'm wanting to label polygons on a map that are above a certain area. These polygons are dervied from open streetmap and consist of either ways or multipart polygons ie If polygon is more than 160 sq ...
mapping dom's user avatar
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Arabic names reversed (left to right instead of right to left) using QGIS [closed]

I am working in a map with mixed names (Arabic and English). Data comes from OSM, a PBF export from BBBIKE, imported to Spatialite using OGR2OGR. I am adding the spatialite database using UTF-8 ...
Juan Batman's user avatar
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How do I get the building housenumber from OSM data?

I've made a map in which buildings in a city are displayed using shapefiles from Geofabrik and unfortunately, none of the shapes contain the housenumber. When I download the .osm files from Geofabrik ...
Riker's user avatar
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QGIS labels / MapQuest background [duplicate]

I do have a problem with QGIS. I Have to create a map which shows different areas in a city. It is important, that there are labels with names of the streets, so that my clients can work with the map. ...
Riker's user avatar
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Rotating view without losing labels in QGIS?

Using QGIS 2.8 Wien and a beautiful shapefile from OpenStreetMap. When I rotate the map (either in the print composer or in the main QGIS panel) the labels with the street name disappear. I've tried ...
Guillaume Jolicoeur's user avatar
9 votes
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one label for two-lane roads (osm, qgis, postgis)

I labeled my osm-lines-layer (PostGIS) with symbols for primary roads and motorways. While the symbols for the primary roads are well placed - with enough distance between each - the two-lane motorway ...
MartinMap's user avatar
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How to create a printable map of labelled markers with OSM background?

I want to create an image of an OpenStreetMap map suitable for printing on A4 at 300dpi. The map needs to have half a dozen markers/points, and each should be labeled with the name of the point. I ...
Hugo's user avatar
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Labeling selection of OSM layer in QGIS depending on certain tags?

I just imported original OSM data to export a pdf-map by assigning graphic attributes to the features I need. The label tool in QGIS 1.8 allows to select certain features, like I can do with the ...
robert-t's user avatar
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How to draw parallel or curved labels for OSM data in QGIS?

I'm trying to recreate a Google style map using OpenStreetMap data and QGIS. I've been following underdarks many wonderful guides but am getting stuck at the labels. The OSM data was taken from ...
T_9er's user avatar
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