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DISJOINT and TOUCH between Polygon and LineString not working as expected in Oracle Spatial

I have the following 4 geometries in an Oracle Spatial table: A) POLYGON ((-100 40, -100 44, -96 44, -96 40, -100 40)) B) LINESTRING (-99 37, -99 40) C) POINT (-100 41) D) POLYGON ((-96 41.5, -95 42, -...
Yndigo Dream's user avatar
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Does Oracle's SDO_Geometry spatial type support arcs?

Oracle 18c GDB; ArcGIS 10.7.1 With ESRI native spatial types, such as SDE.ST_GEOMETRY, we can store "CAD" arcs in the geometry of polyline and polygon features. Question: Does Oracle's ...
User1974's user avatar
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Updating and merging geometries using a 3rd table as the connector

I'm looking for some help with the following. I have 3 tables in my Oracle Database. Table A: IDnumber Geometry 001 Geom1 002 Geom2 003 Geom3 Table B: IDnumber Fieldnumber (...
Sven Walbers's user avatar
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Fix/Repair invalid Geometry

I'm loading a shapefile in an app through a frontend with OpenLayers and trying to save the geometry to an Oracle Database with Hibernate Spatial. The shapefiles that have valid geometry (validated ...
Fran1911989's user avatar
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Calculate irregular polygon center-point that falls within the polygon boundary

I have an SDE.ST_GEOMETRY polygon FC in an Oracle 18c/10.7.1 geodatabase. I can calculate the X and Y of the polygon centroids using the SDE.ST_GEOMETRY ST_Centroid function: sde.st_x(sde....
User1974's user avatar
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How to view coordinates instead of geometry object in geometry column in Oracle SQL Developer?

I've once found a setting in Oracle SQL Developer, allowing to display the geometry column as coordinates, instead of the generic geometry object name (e.g. MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY). I cannot find it ...
GISGe's user avatar
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Extracting Coordinates from Oracle Spatial Object Table using FME?

I've searched all available online sources but none appear to have this issue. I've added an Oracle Spatial Reader, connected to desired table and now want to extract x/y but I get this error when ...
eltigre333's user avatar
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Update a table with values from coordinates on GEOMETRY in Oracle

I have 2 columns in a table that represent the X and Y coordinates. The values in those columns don't match the actual coordinates and I want to update them with the coordinates values that are ...
GIS_DBA's user avatar
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Unable to read different kind of shapefiles

I have written the Java code to read the shapefile and insert it into the table. But the way I have written code it will accept only a multistring .shp file. It fails for other shapefile geometry ...
Ranjeet SIngh's user avatar
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Fastest way to join points table to polygons tables in ORACLE

I have two tables in 11g oracle db, one with points geometry, one with polygons. Currently I need to enrich the points table daily with the name of the polygon (country) that the point is inside, but ...
user1812591's user avatar