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Install GDAL on MacOS with Oracle (OCI driver) Support

I am using MacOS Monterey. I am trying to install GDAL with oracle support. I have installed gdal using brew install gdal command but it doesn't include OCI driver. When I am trying to execute the ...
Devils Dream's user avatar
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GDAL OGR OCI driver takes unreasonable long time to load from oracle database

For quite some time I'm trying to get OCI to work with GDAL. I created a docker image with the driver installed and I use the python api to do the work. When I try to load and print just 20000 records ...
botenvouwer's user avatar
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Open OracleSpatial Layer via Ogr2ogr in C#

I want to transport an OracleSpatial Layer to Postgis. From within OSGeo4W-Shell this works very well. But from C#-Console-App the DataSource is null but no error occurs. Here is what I have tried: ...
Frau Schmidt's user avatar
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Oracle query using 'with' keyword fails in ogr2ogr

I am trying to return a spatial resultant by throwing a fairly long and complex query at some datasets in an Oracle database, and returning a resultant via ogr2ogr. The goal is to return a resultant ...
grego's user avatar
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GDAL ogr2ogr OracleSpatial to Shape: Multipolygons with wholes/multiparts are missing

We're holding geodata in an Orcale database (11g) with spatial extension. I want to unload specific polygons and convert them into Shape for further local processing. The table where I'm unloading ...
knutella's user avatar
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Export Line Feature using ogr2ogr.

I am trying to export a line feature class from an oracle spatial database to a file geodatabase. I can export polygons with no problem, but cannot find the appropriate command '-nlt' for Line ...
Ian Horn's user avatar
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Error exporting data from Oracle to shp using ogr2ogr

I have an oracle table which I would like to query/make a selection. I would then like to export the selection to a shp file. I'm using gdal and ogr2ogr. Following the guidelines here and here I ...
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