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Questions tagged [postgis-topology]

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How can I access PostGIS Topologies with C#?

I would like to access a PostGIS Topology with C#. I looked through the nPgSQL PostGIS/NetTopologySuite Type Plugin but didn't see anything. With the word topology appearing in so many places, I may ...
Kirk Kuykendall's user avatar
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PostGIS - Parse coordinates of st_isvalidreason() to a geometry column

With PostGIS, I'm using st_isvalidreason() function to check topologicals errors in my entities. When something is topologically wrong, it returns me something like: Self-intersection[969880.222423769 ...
GeoGyro's user avatar
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PostGIS create topogeom from existing geometry column

I tried to create topogeom using postgis.topology extention. SELECT topology.AddTopoGeometryColumn('roadtopo','public','roads','topogeom ','LINESTRING'); UPDATE roads SET topogeom = topology....
user51044's user avatar
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How to find features from edge_id in PostGIS topology?

I have created topology for a set of tables with PostGIS topology extension. Now, I want to get all linear features (which could be in different tables) connected to a particular line using a non-...
Iman Rosstin's user avatar
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Create continuous line network using PostgreSQL [closed]

I have shapefile which doesn’t have continuous network. I want to connect it to the nearest line and create continuous line from it. the postgis table has three columns- gid,objectid and geom.The geom ...
poonam patel's user avatar
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PostGIS topology hierarchal topogeometries

I'm seeking guidance on how to correctly organise hierarchal topogeometries. I'm working through PostGIS in Action's chapter on topology and, in summary, it sets up two tables with topogeometries, ...
Gordon's user avatar
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PostGIS topology for merging lines?

I know PostGIS Topology supports splitting road edges while creating a network. I was wondering if PostgIS topology can do the opposite and merge two lines? Does it support merging two consecutive ...
tinlyx's user avatar
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