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Questions tagged [qgis-widget]

5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Stopping specific edit widgets from triggering re-draws in QGIS

Typing text in a form field triggers a screen re-draw for every character typed, this causes performance issues and crashes as I have complex symbology. Turning off rendering solves the performance ...
Sethinacan's user avatar
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Displaying more than 100 entries in Relation Reference Widget dropdown in QGIS

I am using QGIS 3.28, and I've encountered an issue with the Relation Reference Widget. In the form view, the dropdown menu of the Relation Reference Widget only displays 100 entries. Is there a way ...
MartinMap's user avatar
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Opening network folder in Windows file explorer using QGIS

Among the attributes of a layer, I have a "PERCORSO_CARTELLA_SP" field that points to a SharePoint network folder. In QGIS 3.28.15, I can open the folder with Win10's file explorer using the ...
VadoDeCorsa's user avatar
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QGIS How to display PDF saved as BLOB

I have a file where locations have photos and PDF attachments stored as BLOBs. Using the HTML widget, I have gotten it to show the photos as per a previous answer on this forum. I'm not sure how to do ...
Leo Wang's user avatar
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QGIS - HtmlWidget with <iframe> from localhost

I'm using QGIS 3.28.4 and want to build an HTML Widget to display a web page. I can display <iframe> elements from web, but I want to try it from a localhost address, is it possible ? Exemple ...
GeoGyro's user avatar
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