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3 votes
2 answers

How to extract percentage of land cover from a raster according to multiple shapefiles?

I have a raster map that represents land cover of a region, and different shapefiles (total 120) in the same region. I want to know the percentage of every land cover for each shapefile. For example, ...
D.MerBet's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Reprojection of shapefile in R and final extraction of values

I need to extract values from some raster files (stack) using a shapefile. to bring both of them in the same CRS, I first transformed the shapefile using the EPSG codes. Opening it in an GIS software (...
kaltfront's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Convert ESRI Shapefile to Raster using R - biggest polygon area to raster cell value?

I want to create a raster from an ESRI shapefile. Multiple polygons may exist in one raster cell. If so, I want to assign the attribute variable which occupies the biggest area of the raster cell. If,...
A.Spa's user avatar
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Ecoregions shapefiles: subsetting, extracting and summarizing data from raster

I am attempting to subset and project an ecoregions shapefile from : EPA ECOREGIONS my data set is found here: SHAPEFILES and RASTER When I run this code, two major problems occur: 1) I cannot get the ...
I Del Toro's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Extract Raster from Raster using Polygon shapefile in R

I am new to R and using the raster package. I have a problem extracting polygons from an existing raster file. If I use extract(raster, poly_shape) function on the raster it always creates a list ...
Lars's user avatar
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2 answers

Converting shapefile to raster: Character attributes

I've got a shapefile that I would like to convert into a raster, but the trick is that the attribute I want a raster version of is character data. I'm familiar with geoprocessing using GDAL (in the ...
Sam R's user avatar
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2 answers

Problem overlapping shapefile and raster in R?

I want to plot a shapefile over a raster file in R but I can't make them overlap perfectly: the raster appears to be rotated of few degrees counter-clockwise. Is it a problem with the projection? ...
Francesco's user avatar
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Calculating mean and standard deviation for raster values using whole pixels within a polygon [duplicate]

I have a raster image and a corresponding shapefile. I would like to calculate the statistics of the values within polygons which have a common attribute but only using pixels which are fully ...
Noella's user avatar
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1 answer

R - Plotting shapefile with geographical (raster) data

Over the last few days I have been trying to plot a shapefile over data loaded into a data.frame within R. It should be a view of radar precipitation with an overlay of the country borders from a ...
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Why does a shapefile shift after transformation?

I have a shapefile created in the raster package (ER_14.3_2000_poly). > #read in a raster file > ER_14.3_2000<-raster('E:/Ecoregions Models/Outputs/ER_14.3/ER_14.3_ConsensusMap3.asc') > ...
I Del Toro's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Setting extent and geographic projection in R

I have a raster and a shapefile that I am attempting to view and process in R. The shape file "ER_11.1" has the following specs: > ER_11.1 class : SpatialPolygonsDataFrame nfeatures : 22 ...
I Del Toro's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

Converting a polygon into a raster using R

I'm trying to convert a shapefile into a raster within R. My approach is to read in the raster as follows: library(rgdal) # Loads SP package by default demo <- readOGR('F:/data/', 'shapefile') # ...
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