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6 votes
2 answers

Handling multiple-extent-problem to create raster stack in R?

I am storing ~ 30 raster files in a folder and want to create a raster stack. I know that not all of these rasters have completely the same extent. They do have the same resolution and CRS. Thus I ...
parallax's user avatar
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Mean by month on R stacked raster

I work with MODIS NDVI rasters in 2016. I have 23 rasters stacked in one object. I have 2 raster by month. I would like the average by months and conserve a raster for each month. ndvi.stack <- ...
delaye's user avatar
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Extracting values from raster stack and aggregating results using R

I'd like to extract values from a rasterstack, cell by cell, and create a list of the values: ext <- extent(0,100,0,100) r1 <- raster(nrows=100, ncols=100,ext) r1[] <- sample(seq(from = 1, ...
Sam's user avatar
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Looping a raster stack with a step, R

I have a large raster stack of about 500 rasterlayers. What I want to do is to extract specific layers and store them in a different strack. The layers for which I am interested in, have a step of 8 ...
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