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Remove duplicate values in an attribute using regex and fme

I have an FME process that is duplicating some values in an attribute. When I try to use regex in FME to clean it up it is deleting the separator (see screengrab below). Any ideas on how I can change ...
GeorgeC's user avatar
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Replacing three parts string in FME? [closed]

How to replace three parts string with (like John Doe Street) to form where first word has only one letter like (J. Doe Street)? I am using FME (StringReplacer) so RegExp should be fine method for ...
Mickeler's user avatar
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Limit FME regex to just the first match

In FME I have the following in the AttributeManager transformer to replace a value in a column @ReplaceRegEx(@Value(Street_Address),"^([UNITunit]*.?\d+[\/-]?\d*\w).*",\1) This should work as in the ...
GeorgeC's user avatar
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Regular expression to match all numbers in comma-separated list in FME

In FME, I have a Feature Type with municipalities and their IDs, and a string attribute made of an unknown number of these IDs, separated by commas, like for example: 5586,5587,3468,9942 The goal is ...
Voxem's user avatar
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Using regex to find an attribute with no letters in FME Workbench

I need to divide address elements to lines. I am using 'TestFilter' transformator in FME Workbench to separate attributes with no letters. For this purpose I am using IF statement and regular ...
MetalMuzu's user avatar
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How can I use regex in the AttributeCreator Advanced Editor in FME 2014?

I want to use regex to simply distinquish between POLYGON and MULTIPOLYGON using the regex term "\bPOLYGON" Apparently I can use the Advanced Editor and use @FindRegEx(<STRING>,<STRING>)...
Robert Buckley's user avatar
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Best way to enforce valid table names when writing to a File Geodatabase

I have an FME Workbench which reads MapInfo files and writes them to a File Geodatabase. Generally, the workbench works pretty well, however, I've just come across an error which I though would have ...
Fezter's user avatar
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