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3 votes
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Repeat a QgsLayoutItem on several pages without using atlas

I am creating a script to export an attribute table in pdf format with PyQGIS 3. The number of features is different regarding the farmer's number of fields and features are sorted by the field id. ...
Juliette Lapeyre's user avatar
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QGIS Exporting geometry of repeated labels of line layer?

I would like to export geometry (in any format, preferably as a separate point shape, but will work around if necessary) OF LABELS of a line shape layer, where I use repeated labels ("Parallel&...
Peter's user avatar
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1 vote
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Seamlessly Repeating a VectorLayer in OpenLayers

I've created a map in VectorLayers and done a number of things like allow selection, removal of features, adjusting the view, etc. however, one thing that has me stumped is that unlike all the ...
Dale de Silva's user avatar
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Repeating feature labels

I believe this should be a very simple task, but I'm struggling with why it's not working - I'm simply applying street name labels to line features, I want the labels to repeat every 2000m. I've gone ...
CEL-ma's user avatar
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