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Questions tagged [snodas]

Use for questions about using GIS with Snow Data Assimilation System (SNODAS) Data Products from NSIDC

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GDAL having issues converting binary .DAT files to GeoTIFF files

I've been trying to convert some SNODAS Unmasked data from the National Snow and Ice Data Center using their guide linked here:
LinuxBear's user avatar
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2 answers

Displaying SNODAS data in ArcGIS Pro

I am having trouble getting SNODAS data, downloaded from the ftp, to display properly in ArcGIS Pro. I've tried following NSIDC instructions from How do I import SNODAS data into ArcGIS? to create a ...
hm8's user avatar
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2 answers

Opening SNODAS Data (other than precipitation products) in ArcMap

I've downloaded SNODAS data from NSIDC (here). After uncompromising the files I can only open the first two products (both precipitation data) in ArcMap. I can open the others with SAGA, but I want to ...
Nick's user avatar
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Creating color relief from GeoTIFF using gdaldem returns font name

I'm trying to generate a color relief map from a SNODAS greyscale geotiff file scaled from 16-bit to 8-bit. Given the type of data and the scaling, it seems the pixel values are set at 1-5, with 5 ...
alexandersupertramp's user avatar
3 votes
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Extracting data from SNODAS file using QGIS

I'm trying to extract data from a raster file from "Snow Data Assimilation System (SNODAS)" and convert it to a MMQGIS (plugin) grid layer (Hexagon) with QGIS. This raster file stores the snow depth ...
uto's user avatar
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