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Questions tagged [ttf]

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Custom TTF fonts in QGIS input app on iPhone

Is it possible to use custom TTF fonts in QGIS input app on iPhone, or do I have to convert every single character to SVG instead?
christoph's user avatar
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Character marker symbology based on a field

I'm a bit unsure of how to express this question without being too unspecific but I hope you understand what I'm getting at... I have a symbol library as a .ttf with geotechnical symbols. I would ...
David Ström's user avatar
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Mapfish-Print with SLD Style and TTF marks

Is it possible to print ttf's in an SLD using mapfish-print? <GraphicFill> <Graphic> <Opacity>1</Opacity> <Size>25</Size> <Mark> ...
Meyra's user avatar
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Working with Geoserver ttf marks?

I am trying to add multiple symbols to my SLD using the bulk ttf marks. However it does not work, it always returns a blank mapview. This is part of my code and lets say I would like to add a little ...
aforcevi's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How to generate WKT geometries from true type font glyphs (python)

Does anyone know of a library or tool ( preferrably Python)to convert true type font glyphs into polygonal shapes (for testing GIS algorithms)?
MartinT's user avatar
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