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Questions tagged [variogram]

A function describing the degree of spatial dependence of a spatial random field or stochastic process

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10 votes
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Interpreting semivariogram with high nugget effect?

I made a semivariogram in R using package gstat, variogram() function. I want to see if there is spatial autocorrelation in the residuals of my model (species abundance as a function of habitat, ...
snowtosurf's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Variogram for data along linear routes

I have a dataset of some measurements along a bus route (image below). The purpose of my study is to be able to detect the values at any location along the route using Kriging interpolation. I have ...
Bayan's user avatar
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Getting range value from exponential variogram model

I am using vgm() from the gstat library in R: variogr <-vgm(sill,"Exp",range=range,nugget=0) output <-krige(...,model=variogr) As you can see I'm using fixed psill and range values. Before ...
natario's user avatar
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Visualize smoke dispersion by interpolating point data [closed]

During the last weeks, I am trying to develop an application within my current working project, which aims to simulate smoke dispersion of fire incidents. Software used: ArcGIS for Desktop/Server (...
gkalam's user avatar
  • 31
2 votes
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weighting scheme of gstat for fitting models to variograms

I use R and the gstat package to construct variograms of temperature, and I would like to ask If anyone knows what weighting scheme does the gstat package use to fit a model to the sample variogram?
Maria Karypidou's user avatar