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Plot two layers (raster and polygon-vector) with ggplot and use the fill-scale* for both layers

I am a little lost. I have a stars object where I would like to use the first attribute and map it to the scale_fill*-function in ggplot.

I also have an polygon-object of class sf that has an attribute that I would also like to map to the scale_fill*-function.

I really tried to compile some data and a reproducible example and I got this far: It does not make any sense at all, but serves for the purpose:


# get elevation
alt <- getData('alt', country='CHE')
alt_stars = st_as_stars(alt)

ch_canvas = st_bbox(alt_stars) %>% opq()

# overpass query
ch_moto = ch_canvas %>%
  add_osm_feature(key = "highway",
                  value="motorway") %>% 

# get the sf object
df = ch_moto %>% pluck("osm_lines") %>% 
  dplyr::select("maxspeed") %>% 
         maxspeed != "none") %>% 
  mutate(maxspeed = as.numeric(maxspeed))

# make the polygons
df_buffer = st_buffer(df, 0.1)

ggplot() +
    data = alt_stars,
    aes(x=x, y=y, fill = CHE_msk_alt),
    downsample = 2
  ) +
  scale_fill_continuous(low="white", high="red") +
    data = df,
  ) +

I am then getting this message: Scale for 'fill' is already present. Adding another scale for 'fill', which will replace the existing scale.

I would just like to know how to plot any two layers (in many cases a stars-object and a sf-object) on top of each other and fill both according to the values in a variable. I tried to use the cowplot-package and just define two ggplot objects and plot them above each other, but did not manage to make it work. Maybe someone has a pointer on what to do in these situations:)

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