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R package with classes and methods to create and manipulate spatial data

4 votes

Counting number of points in polygon using R?

You can achieve the same using the sf package. Check the reproducible and commented code below. The package sf is used to handle spatial objects as simple features objects. In this answer the package …
Guz's user avatar
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1 vote

Counting how many times a point is inside a set of intersecting polygons in R

You can count the times one point is in a polygon or in different polygons with simple R functions using base and sp packages. … example below you can: Identify and count the times one point is inside a set of polygons Identify which point/polygon intersects Load libraries and make some example data: # Load libraries library("sp
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3 votes

Slow plotting of spatial data in macOS RStudio's plotting device

Also, I had a better impression for performance when plotting than sp. And sf will replace sp. I tried download your shapefile and plot in RStudio using sf. …
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4 votes
3 answers

How to sort points from a SpatialPoints object over a SpatialLines object according to line ...

An example using a small dataset sample: # Load packages library('sp') # Define projection epsg.32721 <- "+proj=utm +zone=21 +south +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs" # Load data points x <- c(794801.3 …
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3 votes

How to sort points from a SpatialPoints object over a SpatialLines object according to line ...

I could answer my question traveling through every line segment in the SpatialLines object and finding the intersected points from the SpatialPoints object. I made a function that is all explained by …
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1 vote
1 answer

Find closed lines inside SpatialLines objects in R

# Libraries library("sp") # Points points.x1 <- c(-54.00000, -54.43489, -54.78560, -54.00000, -53.57810, -53.22097, -54.00000) points.y1 <- c(-40.74859, -40.00000, -38.00000, -37.49485, -38.00000, -40.00000 …
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4 votes
2 answers

Calculate distance of points - SpatialPoints object - along a path - SpatialLines object - u...

Here is a code example: # Load packages library('sp') # Define projection epsg.32721 <- "+proj=utm +zone=21 +south +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs" # Load data points x <- c(788690, 788722, 788824, …
Guz's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to subset a SpatialPoints object to get the points located on each side of a SpatialLine...

This is the code example in R: # Load packages library('sp') # Load projection epsg.32721 <- CRS("+proj=utm +zone=21 +south +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs") # Load data and create Spatial objects # …
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2 votes

How to subset a SpatialPoints object to get the points located on each side of a SpatialLine...

I answer my own question defining two SpatialPolygons objects from the SpatialLines object coordinates and the SpatialLines object bounding box bbox(). After that, I made an intersect between the Spat …
Guz's user avatar
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1 vote

What are the coordinates on my rectangle of the closest point to a polygon in R?

When the vertices from a polygon are the closest points from another polygon you can use the Answer 1 example. However, sometimes may occur that a line segment from one polygon is the closest part of …
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6 votes

Lapply function on raster iterating through SPDF polygons in R

You can try crop and mask instead of only masking over the Raster Layers. Try the reproducible and commented code below. In this example, using crop reduced ~ 92% the size of the objects in the R envi …
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5 votes

Set the minimum and maximum values for an elevation raster in R

Try the commented and reproducible example below. You can assign NA values to your elevation RasterLayer as elev[elev < 0] <- NA and elev[elev > 1200] <- NA. # Load libraries library('raster') libra …
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