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GDAL (Geospatial Data Abstraction Library) is an open source translator library for raster and vector geospatial data formats.

1 vote

What alternatives to Orfeo are out there and what are the pros and cons of each?

One option could be using the (gdal) module of saga to convert your grid to the saga format. Once this is done SAGA GIS has a nice api and many modules for accessing grid data. …
2 votes

How to install stable GDAL on Ubuntu 11.10?

An addendum to what Luke wrote above: First thing you should ask yourself is whether you really need the latest version of gdal on your server. … If you really need the latest version of gdal, I would download the packages from the ubuntugis-unstable repository as Luke pointed out, but I would not keep that repository in your sources list afterwards …
johanvdw's user avatar
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1 vote

How to run GDAL command in php page?

Use exec. But if you are on shared hosting this is probably disabled.
johanvdw's user avatar
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7 votes

What is Lanczos resampling useful for in a spatial context?

You might know Lanczos filters or similar type of filters from your image programs, where they are often called 'sharpening filters'. A good example from this forumtopic: The first image shows the or …
johanvdw's user avatar
  • 6,249
0 votes

How do I generate thumbnails images from lots of shapefiles?

Another related question: Platforms for repetitive automated mapping? There mapserver was suggested.
johanvdw's user avatar
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0 votes

Georeferencing an image in C# with GDAL

The easiest way to continue would be to make a call to gdalwarp. Use the -te option to specify your extent: -te xmin ymin xmax ymax: set georeferenced extents of ou …
johanvdw's user avatar
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1 vote

DXF to georeferenced SHP

It is not possible to set the projection using a bounding box for a shapefile. There is indeed a reason: if items in the shapefile are changed the bounding box may change as well. If your data in dxf …
johanvdw's user avatar
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3 votes

Fast and robust open source portable script or tool for interpolation - triangulation or sim...

In saga, make sure you read your data as a pointcloud "Import Point Cloud from Text File" and process it as a pointcloud: Point Cloud to Grid. This should be much faster than using shape. Last step ma …
johanvdw's user avatar
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0 votes

GDAL HDF4 Driver on Linux System

Since GDAL uses the headers of the recent version of CDF you have to use the -alt- version. This will not disable netCDF support, as the recent version is used. … The gdal version in Debian should actually already support hdf4 out of the box. If you compile from source, make sure you use the --with-netcdf option. …
johanvdw's user avatar
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3 votes

Generating shapefile containing UTM grid (graticule)?

You can also do this in SAGA GIS, A full explanation can be found here:
johanvdw's user avatar
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1 vote

how to overlay shapefile and raster?

This is not possible using GDAL. You could use other free tools however, eg saga gis: saga_cmd shapes_grid "Grid Values to Shapes" -GRIDS=grid.sgrd -POLYGONS=in.shp -SHAPES=out.shp-NODATA -TYPE=1 …
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