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PostgreSQL is an open source object-relational database system.

8 votes
3 answers

How to make use of indexes with inner join in Postgis?

I got 2 sets of points in 2 separate tables. Table_a got 100k points and table_b got 300k of points. I trying to find nearest points in relation find me any point from table_b that is within 50 meters …
Losbaltica's user avatar
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1 vote

Error in PostGIS intersection

It looks like postgis is getting into endless loop because of some weird geom and after while is just canceling query to not kill your machine. How many rows you got in each table? Here's what you c …
Losbaltica's user avatar
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3 votes

Optimizing a nearest neighbor search in PostGIS for a large dataset

There are many ways to sort this issue and is probably duplication of multiple others, with the sole difference being a nearest neighbour search. First of all create GIST indexes on your geometry fie …
Losbaltica's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Clip overlapping polygon in equal sharing size

I tried also to use ST_Difference postgreSQL database with the Postgis extension but also without success. My main problem is that i can not find method to clip polygons on equal sharing size. …
Losbaltica's user avatar
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2 votes

From QGIS 3.4.5 and 3.6 asks password repeadly to connect to PostgreSQL 10

You need to store the password during PostgreSQL connection adding. Once you did it. QGIS should not ask you again for the password. …
Losbaltica's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Postgis using st_geometry linestring on column

I'm trying to create a linestring based on a value in a column in PostGIS. My code looks like this: create view left_span as SELECT st_geomfromtext('LINESTRING(line_att.wkt_left)', 27700) as geom FR …
Losbaltica's user avatar
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1 vote

Finding nearest neighbor for each point in the same table

Try to use <-> function with 2D index on geometry. CREATE INDEX points_geom ON points USING GIST(geom) After that you can do it something like that if you want to find only the closest point to ano …
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