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(1) abstract geometry; (2) storing geographic data in projected coordinates; (3) a generic ESRI term for vector features; a class for "geometry" objects.

2 votes

modeling of spatial objects

('POLYGON((15 4, 19 3, 21 6, 24 2, 18 0, 14 1, 15 4))'::geometry) as the_geom; by copying it into the terminal in the link and press "map1" Then, since it is not possible to make a geometry of the exterior … ) as a, 'LINESTRING(0 5, 10 6, 12 3, 20 3)'::geometry as b) t Is this what you were thinking about? …
Nicklas Avén's user avatar
7 votes

Simulating the expansion of polygon features

it at Just copy the sql-code below and click "map1" WITH RECURSIVE t(the_geom, n) AS ( SELECT 'POLYGON((10 10,8 13, 10 15, 12 14, 15 15, 16 12, 15 10, 10 10))'::geometry … Regards Nicklas This one was even nicer I think: WITH RECURSIVE t(the_geom, n) AS ( SELECT 'POLYGON((10 10,8 13, 10 15, 12 14, 15 15, 16 12, 15 10, 10 10))'::geometry AS the_geom, 1 as n UNION ALL …
Nicklas Avén's user avatar
3 votes

Real-world example of Affine Transform?

From PostGIS doc: "ST_Affine — Applies a 3d affine transformation to the geometry to do things like translate, rotate, scale in one step." Here comes a quite dirty example. … The query sent to PostGIS, makes a simplified buffer around the geometry in the right pixelscale and recalculates since the image map has it's origin in upper left corner and the projection of the map …
Nicklas Avén's user avatar
0 votes

Is there a PostGIS function to get a tangent and normal line?

I guess you are talking about curves? What parameters do you want as input? If you use ST_Shortestline with a point at some distance from your curve/linestring, you will get a line perpenicular from …
Nicklas Avén's user avatar
6 votes

When would a PostGIS geometry compare using ~= return true when ST_Equals returns false?

As the doc says ~= only compares bounding boxes. So if you move a point in a way that it doesn't change the bounding box ~= still returns true.
Nicklas Avén's user avatar
1 vote

What information is stored in a PostGIS geometry and how can I access it?

Here you can see how data is stored To access for instace srid use st_srid With other geometry access functions you can get information …
Nicklas Avén's user avatar
2 votes

PostGIS algorithm to unite points of two geometries that are within specified radius

ST_ConcaveHull should solve this.
Nicklas Avén's user avatar
5 votes

Use Postgis to convert wkb_geometry data type to geom datatype

You already have the geom type. wkb_geometry is just the name of the column. I see it is a confusing naming since thebstorage isn't wkb but a internal PostGIS format that is quite similar to wkb. I gu …
Nicklas Avén's user avatar
0 votes

How to get MultiPolygon from MultiPoint for area calculation in Postgis?

Update To add the first point at the end of the linestring to get a closed ring you can do something like: WITH a AS (SELECT 'multipoint(1 1, 2 1, 2 2, 2 1)'::geometry p) ,b AS (SELECT ST_LineFromMultiPoint …
Nicklas Avén's user avatar
3 votes

Calculate centroid of a point cluster

I am not sure I really understand what you are doing. How can a point cluster be a collection of linestrings? , but .. Remember you are using a spatial database, why not use the functionality in PostG …
Nicklas Avén's user avatar
23 votes

What are Definition, Algorithms and Practical Solutions for Concave Hull?

There is an implementation of ST_ConcaveHull in PostGIS trunk.
Nicklas Avén's user avatar