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Python is an open source interpreted programming language used in many GIS programs.

0 votes
2 answers

Sum of values in raster

Upon importing a raster file, how can I get the sum of all values given in the raster file? import rioxarray as rxr raster= rxr.open_rasterio( 'raster.tif', masked=True ).squeeze() raste …
Stücke's user avatar
  • 541
9 votes
1 answer

Assigning new values to polygon based on overlapping area with other polygons

I have two square polygons df1 and df2. Both polygons are assigned a value of 10 (df1) and 20 (df2) in the "content" column. Let's assume, I have a circle with the midpoint 1.5,1.5 and a radius of 1. …
Stücke's user avatar
  • 541
-1 votes
1 answer

Convert Esri ASCII grid raster format to GeoJSON

I received data as *.asc file. How can I convert the ASCII data into a *.GeoJson file including polygons and the band data? I've tried various approaches with rasterio and gdal but they always returne …
Stücke's user avatar
  • 541
1 vote

Convert Esri ASCII grid raster format to GeoJSON

I am not great with Python so please forgive me the style of code. I am sure, there are nicer way to achieve the same results. …
Stücke's user avatar
  • 541
1 vote
2 answers

How to apply GDAL polygonize?

To me, the input parameters are cryptic and I failed to figure out the exact commands required for application in Python. ** Edit** With help of Ben's comment I got to this point: from osgeo import gdal … , ogr import sys # this allows GDAL to throw Python Exceptions gdal.UseExceptions() # get raster datasource src_ds = gdal.Open(inputFilename) srcband = src_ds.GetRasterBand(1) # create output datasource …
Stücke's user avatar
  • 541
1 vote
2 answers

Extract population count from GeoTIFF based on mask layer

I downloaded Population Count data from Gridded Population of the World (GPW), v4 as a *.GeoTIFF file. In a next step, I would like to extract the population count of a given area based on a mask laye …
Stücke's user avatar
  • 541
5 votes
1 answer

Robinson projection in GeoPandas

How can I apply Robinson projection in a GeoPandas plot? import geopandas as gpd world = gpd.read_file(gpd.datasets.get_path('naturalearth_lowres')) world.plot(column='pop_est')
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  • 541