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Results for world file parameters
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19 votes

How to resample a batch of rasters using OGR/GDAL?

In Windows, you'd do something like: for %i in (*.tif) do gdalwarp -ts 1600 0 -r cubic -co "TFW=YES" %i %~ni_small.tif which should reduce the input files to 1600 pixels wide, saving the file with the … Edited: added parameter to create ESRI world file. Note that this solution doesn't specify the output format, so it's a GeoTiff by default …
Herb's user avatar
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16 votes

Displaying images next to features in ArcMap?

file using user specified parameters scale factor and coordinates shifts. … Extracting information from world file of images into DBF catalog file through ArcPy or just create mosaic dataset to get this: NOTE: Some of catalogues support page definition query …
FelixIP's user avatar
  • 23.3k
15 votes
2 answers

Differences between different georeferencing transformation algorithms in QGIS

file and is different from the other algorithms, as it does not actually transform the raster. … The "linear" algorithm creates a world file, that includes 6 parameters allowing to define translation (lines 5 and 6), scaling (1 and 4) and rotation (2 and 3). …
jfmoyen's user avatar
  • 546
13 votes

How to find lat/lon values for every pixel in a GeoTIFF file?

In a generic sense, use the affine transform parameters, which should be available with any raster file format. … raster index""" xp = a * col + b * row + a * 0.5 + b * 0.5 + c yp = d * col + e * row + d * 0.5 + e * 0.5 + f return(xp, yp) For example, if there is a pixel at col=10, row=22, then the real-world
Mike T's user avatar
  • 42.4k
12 votes

How to translate (reposition) a raster in Python?

Depending on the raster format, you can either edit the world file, or use GDAL/Python: from osgeo import gdal # Open in read/write mode rast_src = gdal.Open(rast_fname, 1) # Get affine transform coefficients … gt = rast_src.GetGeoTransform() # (2776450.0, 100.0, 0.0, 6352650.0, 0.0, -100.0) The geotransform gt object is a 6-parameter tuple described here. …
Mike T's user avatar
  • 42.4k
11 votes

What's a good toolchain to reproject some PNGs in plate carre to UTM?

If you need help with any of the parameters for the GDAL tools, feel free to post them here. … that has world information, but no projection. …
MerseyViking's user avatar
  • 14.6k
11 votes

Emulating "Swiss style" shaded relief with ArcGIS tools?

Includes a zip file from ArcGIS Online that contains the toolbox, sample data, documentation and also an ArcMap Map Document (v10.x) and ArcGIS Pro Project. (2018) Multi-directional hillshade function … It can be invoked by choosing the Multidirectional option from drop down menu of Hillshade Type parameter (in Image Analysis function editor after applying the Hillshade). …
gisjt's user avatar
  • 134
11 votes

How can I use ArcGIS 10.1 to find a geodesic equidistant point defined by three points?

The control parameters MaxIterations etc. are tweaked to make this code provide the greatest possible accuracy it can. … from a text file? from the mouse?) and how the output will be presented (as coordinates displayed on screen? as a graphic point? as a new point object in a layer?) …
whuber's user avatar
  • 70.2k
10 votes
2 answers

Mapnik renders only "blank" tiles

I'm new to the fascinating GIS world, and I've been researching the whole topic for the past few days. My goal is to serve planet-wide maps with OSM data on my own servers. … I've made the following changes to the result: Add the Postgres username (Parameter user on Mapnik's XML). Remaining connection info is grabbed from ~/.pgpass. …
Renato Massaro's user avatar
9 votes

Move .SHP from .MXD to gdb

Code If the layer is a shapefile, Layer.datasetName will return the file name. … There are quite a few people in the world who 'practice GIS', and only a percentage of those willing to write code for you. …
nagytech's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Specify directories for use with gdaltindex

The majority of these files are Tiff's with a world file and have not yet been converted to geoTiffs. … It looks like I can use -skip_different_projection to take care of the projection issue, but my search hasn't turned up any parameters of gdaltindex to specify directories, so any help is much appreciated …
Paul's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Manipulating Azimuthal Equidistant Projections in QGIS

This is what I have tried so far: Added shapefile of world countries projected as Azimuthal Equidistant with Chicago as the center Opened properties, metadata tab, copy proj4 parameter code Went to settings … , custom projection, paste in proj4 code, changed the lat/lon from that of Chicago to that of Edinburgh Saved shapefile of world countries, specified my new custom projection, added new file to map My …
Dan Wolf's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How to create transparent tif images using GDAL?

This is what gdalinfo returns about one of the tifs (the real world tif published by Geoserver using Pyramid plugin): gdalinfo layer_537__01_01.tif Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF Files: layer_537__01_01.tif … I tried trillions of gdalwarp and gdal_translate and even gdalbuildvrt parameters, but completely to no avail, though the task at first glance looks absolutely trivial. …
Jacobian's user avatar
  • 317
8 votes

Including own transformation file in QGIS 3.20

copy&paste the 'BWTA2017.gsb' into C:/Program Files/QGIS 3.20.3/share/proj (it may require Administrator's permission): Proceed with Settings > Custom Projections and add a new CRS with an additional parameter … The parameters of a custom CRS may looks as follows: +proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=9 +k=1 +x_0=3500000 +y_0=0 +ellps=bessel +towgs84=598.1,73.7,418.2,0.202,0.045,-2.455,6.7 +nadgrids=BWTAA2017.gsb +units …
Taras's user avatar
  • 34.1k
7 votes

Get individual pixel values on a raster image using gdal and python

The routines GDALRasterIO or in python band.ReadRaster at least will do the job in conjunction with the inverse-pixel-to world-transformation given by GDALGetGeoTransform (parameter of the transform) … arrays given by GDALGetGeoTransform and calcWorldToPixel is the interesting one. // -------------------------------------------------------------- // Transformation World to Pixel // trfm - Parameter
huckfinn's user avatar
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