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Import CSV from online resource

Yes, you can do that in QGIS. QGIS is able to open remote resources using GDAL Virtual File Systems /vsicurl/ Add layer Use Add Vector Layer, and write the remote URL of the CSV file with the ...
jgrocha's user avatar
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3 votes

Sync a layer in QGIS to a layer that is on a website that is updated regularly

I couldn't find a download link at that URL so I can't describe exactly how this would work, but one way would be to put your additional data into a table (a non-spatial table) and use QGIS' "...
Spacedman's user avatar
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2 votes

Are there any free online GIS courses based around using QGIS?

There are MOOCs available in varied forms I would say. Here are some resources I would point you to. MIT offers an open course Introduction to GIS You could look into Announcing a Certificate in ...
1 vote

QGIS Online features ArcGIS Online

if you open the plugin manager and search for "online" or "webmap" you will find several plugin that let you do that Some of these plugin are provided by company as a way to easily ...
J.R's user avatar
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A way to find out when credits were purchased in ArcGIS Online

Information about Esri purchases, including ArcGIS Online Service Credits can be found inside My Esri. Previous transactions can be found in your Order History. Once you've logged in and selected ...
KHibma's user avatar
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Seeking online WKT editor?

Just to provide an updated answer for anyone new coming to this question: is a simple online editor for WKT geometries. Allows you to paste in WKT or draw shapes and generate WKT ...
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