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sys49152's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 1 month
  • Last seen this week
13 votes

osgeo.gdal.Translate - How to set compression on GDAL GTiff driver

11 votes

Installing GDAL with Python on Windows

7 votes

Automated creation of perpendicular lines between a point layer and a line layer

6 votes

MapServer vs QGIS Server for WebGIS with access control

6 votes

What is the difference between QGIS file types?

3 votes

Identifying CRS

3 votes

Use Windows function GetProductInfo via MapBasic

3 votes

How to set ODBC connection in MapBasic

3 votes

merging ecw images

3 votes

Mapping underground Utilities, like pipes, gas lines and telephone lines?

3 votes

Creating thematic map where individual points are basically grid in MapInfo?

3 votes

Dashes instead of "to" in mapinfo thematic legend

3 votes

Import vector PDF into MapInfo

2 votes

Avoid MapBasic crash when unable to open file

2 votes

Importing Mapinfo .TAB files to AutoCad Map

2 votes

Merging Raster Images in MapInfo?

2 votes

FME - MapInfo to File Geodatabase Conversion Project

2 votes

Add points for every 100 m at polyline (QGIS/Mapinfo)

2 votes

How do I define a bounding box within a WFS-request?

2 votes

What is the difference between CartesianObjectLen and ObjectLen in MapInfo?

2 votes

Keep column titles when exporting SQL query in MapInfo

2 votes

How to convert result of dissolved buffer into individual polygons?

2 votes

What arguments does MapBasic's ColumnInfo() take?

2 votes

Update Column to a Value

2 votes

Speeding up connection to MS SQL Server in QGIS?

2 votes

QGIS locking TAB files within the same organisation

2 votes

Loading point shapefiles from Trimble GPS in QGIS

2 votes

Split polyline every Xm in MapBasic

2 votes

Sorting by multiple fields at same time in QGIS?

1 vote

Uploading MVT to MapBox result in error "Tile exceeds maximum size of 500k at z5..."