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  • Member for 2 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
Spatial indexes not being used despite existing
Do I need to delete the existing timestamp::date index first?
Spatial indexes not being used despite existing
@geozelot - adding an index on the timestamp column seemed like a great idea but unfortunately did not help. Does the query need any re-structuring before it can benefit from this new index? thanks so much.
Spatial indexes not being used despite existing
Also, should I replace my left join with inner join?
Spatial indexes not being used despite existing
@geozelot I have updated the question with these changes
Spatial indexes not being used despite existing
deleted 202 characters in body
Spatial indexes not being used despite existing
@geozelot I am now making use of the geography index by using p."geoJson" as geom (not transforming anymore), and at the end doing ST_DWithin(u."geom"::geography, a."geom"::geography, 30). Still the geoJson column index is not mentioned in the query plan.
Minimum spanning tree (MST) over a set of POINT geometries
the only difference with the Travelling Salesman Problem is that your solution does not return to the starting point, is this correct?
Minimum spanning tree (MST) over a set of POINT geometries
Also regarding what you said - "For 6 points only you could easily brute force the optimal solution (having only 6! = 720 permutations), but double that and your machine will burn." I tried this for 30 or so points and it was calculated in a couple of seconds!
Minimum spanning tree (MST) over a set of POINT geometries
One more thing, for each row in the result set, the optimized route is shown right? In terms of which id to visit first, then next, then next and so on - if I select uuid's in the final select clause instead of segment.
Does ST_ClusterKMeans benefit from a spatial index?
because it would need a lot of last minute code changes! so would only proceed if it is worth it.
Minimum spanning tree (MST) over a set of POINT geometries
thanks, may you live a happy and blessed life!
Minimum spanning tree (MST) over a set of POINT geometries
if I only take the row from the result set which has the exact number of items that I want, then it would be the result for the TSP problem right?
Minimum spanning tree (MST) over a set of POINT geometries
so the result set can not be used to derive the shortest path?
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