OCCUPATION: English as Foreign Language (EFL) Teacher in Japan.
- Can answer scripting questions related to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Jquery
- Can answer design questions related to Photoshop, Illustrator, Inkscape, Gimp, Synfig
- Can answer 3D questions related to Blender, Maya, Polygon, Nurbs, SubDivision modeling etc.
- Specialize in web design, graphic design, photography video and print
FAMILY: Oldest of two brothers and one sister. Am currently married with no children as of yet :p
INTEREST/HOBBY: Some things I really enjoy in random order are:
Playing guitar
Playing piano
Going on dates with my wife
Going to 3d theater with my wife
Spending time with friends and with wife
Studying Christian philosophy and theology and history
Teaching people about God
Reading Japanese manga
Studying Japanese, Korean, Greek and Hebrew
Watching japanese Anime
Web design, html5 and css3
3D modeling using Open source software such as BLENDER
Digital Photography and Graphic Design
Old Christian HYMNs redone
Family worship
Reformed Theology and theological discussion and debate
Neighborhood ecclesiology with christian fellowship and corporate worship based on location rather than association
Teaching English to Japanese people
Soteriology: Doctrines of Grace, Three Forms of Unity, TULIP, 5 Solas
Ecclesiology: Neighborhood fellowship, Obedience is worship, The word Ecclesia does not mean church and is usually used by the Jewish writers of the New Testament to refer to the word Qahal in Hebrew which refers to any number of a multitude of people. Spiritually it refers to God's elect multitude who belong to Him and were saved through Jesus' propitiating sacrifice which is often called "the invisible church"
What theologians refer to as "the visible church" is often not explained well and should not refer to "a church" but should refer to believers anywhere living obedient lives of faith whether they are alone in a desert or members of a family or l